This site is very nicely designed
One suggestion that you might not want to take on board but you might...
The whole website could be remade without flash as a compliment to the flash site.
Thats not as stupid as it might sound, now that you've made it in flash so it looks nice, you could easily re-create a lot of it with javascript and ani gifs.
That way, a simple javascript could be implemented in the index.html page to detect if the flash plugin is installed, if so then goto the flash site, if not then go to the non flash version. That way you can skip past the ugly "warning" style page, and just go straight into the website without any compatibility fears. If you want any help with this, drop me an email, its a very simple code and I don't mind helping as it would make a really cool looking site even better by being quicker and smoother
Also, the text on the front page, presumably you are going to be updating this part quite often, so it would save you a lot of time if it was a small html inbedded frame area rather than having to update and upload the entire new .swf file everytime
Anyways, don't take any of that as criticism, its a great looking site, very smooth, very well designed, and I love youur logo
Its just that you'd be surprised how many people don't have the flash plug-in, being that Windows doesn't come with it as standard, and most innexperienced users won't ever download plug-ins, because they are scared of falling prey to a virus hoax
Great site tho, well done
[edit] Also found a bug, on the intial screen, clicking on the logo instead of 'enter here' doesn't take you to the main site, it links to '' which obviously doesn't exist
Quikly Studio Pro. Soon. Honest.