Quote: "1920x1080x32
Quote: "1680x1050x32, here, if you feel the need to hard-code resolution options..."
Well, I'll put those resolutions in, and let the player choose amongst them. Currently the resolution is set to 1024, 768, 32. Maybe it's a good idea to add some lower resolutions in too, for those who have less powerfull computers.
And, I'm also adding in one resolution for notebooks (1200,600,32).
Quote: "by interface, do you mean the "larval" blue (outer) texture? if so, i prefer the earlier one."
Yep, that's what I meant. The second does look kinda like larves, hey?
But, I can give the user the option of choosing between those two (or more?).
Quote: "and, yes, please include configurable controls. i hate using <spacebar> for anything if it saves you work, you could always let the spacebar, left-control, left-shift, left-alt, etc, ALL be fire/launch keys."
That's not a bad idea, Virtual Nomad.
I'll see what I can come up with.
Quote: "also, don't forget powerdowns for us to avoid. looking at the screen shots inspired the idea of a "Haywire" powerdown that might cause the ball to randomly "stagger" off its trajectory "
Yeah, don't worry. There are powerdowns that are very annoying, like the one that reverses the direction the paddle moves.
I've tested the game thoroughly, and I never got past all the levels, so those who do, may count themselves either VERY lucky, or VERY skilled. Mwuahahahaa!
Very often more than one power up/down falls down, so to collect a powerUP, you risk of collecting the powerDOWN just above or below the powerUP, which makes the game more difficult and strategic at the same time. Collecting power ups/downs, increases the score much more than just destroying the bricks. Sometimes you have to let a powerUP go to avoid collecting a powerDOWN and getting into trouble (and killed), or just do the opposite and have a hard time surviving, but end up with a higher score. I'ts all up to you.
Quote: "keep up the good work!"
Thanks, Virtual Nomad! And thanks for the good comments.
Quote: "Very impressed at the quality."
Thanks alot, Uncle Sam! A great comment from a talented man!
Slayer rules!!! Yeaaah, man!