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Program Announcements / TGC Heroes

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Posted: 19th Jan 2010 19:14 Edited at: 4th Apr 2011 19:35
TGC Heroes is a game styled after Super Smash Brothers and uses characters and arenas that have been graciously offered by TGC forum members or have been created for use in this game.

You can read up on the game in the WIP forum thread here:

Here is a pic of most of the 'gang':

Here are some current in-game pics:

To enjoy the game, it is recommended that you have at least a single core Pentium 4 running at 2.5 GHz or better and 1GB of system ram. The game runs slower in KO Fest mode than it does in Combat mode. Joysticks are recommended for input, but keyboard input is an option.

[b]23 April 2011 update. V 0.99 is now available. Download it here (36.03 MB):

It is also recommended that you download the game manual, which can be found here:

Enjoy the game!


Daniel wright 2311
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Posted: 24th Jan 2010 15:24
this game is fun, still dont know how to attack but i will figure it out. the game itself is worth the download.

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Posted: 25th Jan 2010 15:12 Edited at: 10th Jul 2012 18:23
Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the comments. Attacks are based upon the method chosen for input. If you choose a joystick, for example, using the A or D buttons along with moving the joystick up, down, left or right while pressing A or D will produce different attacks. Generally, D attacks provide more damage to your opponent. Rapidly pressing A twice or D twice will produce a separate attack for most characters. You can run by rapidly pressing the direction you want to go twice. Once you are running, you can press A to make a special dash attack.

These are mentioned in the game manual. Thanks for your interest.

So many games to little time.


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Dark Dragon
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Posted: 17th Feb 2010 05:00
cool! i finally downloaded it......this is really cool!

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Beast E Gargoyle
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Posted: 17th Feb 2010 18:22
@Dark Dragon- Thanks we were hoping the community would enjoy the game and the variety of community characters available.


My online game portfolio and work samples [href][/href]
Dark Dragon
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Posted: 17th Feb 2010 20:34
Yeah i really like the N64-ish style..........Lee is by far the best character(lol).

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Posted: 20th Feb 2010 11:49

I'm glad you finished this project, I know how hard the last stretch is. I'm sorry I left the team so suddenly without saying goodbye, but I enjoyed all of it while I was part of it.

I like the fact that you can play it on a joypad too! The first time I played it on the keyboard, and the second time I was like "why the hell isn't the keyboard working!" until I noticed that I had my joypad plugged in.

I can't seem to download the manual, it says the connection was reset while the page was loading.

Anyway, great game, I think I'll play it some more


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Posted: 20th Feb 2010 16:06 Edited at: 10th Jul 2012 18:24
The Comet:

No worries. I am glad that the game is now done. Thanks for the contributions that you made to the game.

If it sees a joypad plugged in, it uses that as the default.

I checked the game manual link, and it downloaded fine for me, so I assume it is a connection problem of some sort at your end.

Take care.


So many games to little time.


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Posted: 28th Feb 2010 22:17
Love it.

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Posted: 28th Feb 2010 22:36 Edited at: 10th Jul 2012 18:25
Thanks Zeus!

I hope you saw where I got your Smiley Dude in the game as a projectile.

So many games to little time.


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Posted: 28th Feb 2010 23:24
You guys do know that John's messed up in the actual game part. I mean what the heck happened to his hair. xD

Also, why are you still using the default DBP font for the player's names? - Surely it would look a bit better using a real font...

These 2 things and the fact the textures and images used in the game are incredibley low quality and very pixelly have put me off playing TGC Heroes.
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Posted: 1st Mar 2010 02:47
haha nice.

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Posted: 1st Mar 2010 03:36 Edited at: 22nd Jun 2010 01:01
TGC Heroes includes models and textures which have been graciously offered by TGC forum dwellers. Some models and textures were created for the game also. Many of the graphical items in the game are fantastic in quality and excel above the N-64 version of SSB (after which this is patterned). However, the primary emphasis of this game is on gameplay.

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Posted: 1st Mar 2010 12:40
Lol, I didn't know you'd changed John's hair to quite the extent you had. I stopped following the WIP because it kept not getting updated or wasn't of any interest to me anymore so I didn't see John until you released it, which is why I'm now saying this.

I also didn't provide you with an animated model with moves etc. because that isn't what I used in the original John and couldn't do it at the time.

Regardless of whether the game is low quality or not, you could still have improved it by taking out the default DBP font and actually adding alpha transparency to some of the sprites, instead of leaving a pixelly fuzz around the edges.

Forgive me if the game is actually different to the screenshots, but I'm just going on what I see in these pictures.
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Posted: 1st Mar 2010 17:51 Edited at: 22nd Jun 2010 01:01
SSB doesn't even give you the ability to have a name over your character, whereas TGC Heroes does. I thought it was a nice touch to have this ability.

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Posted: 1st Mar 2010 21:57 Edited at: 1st Mar 2010 22:14
Ok you're now missing the point just because you found my comments hurtful.

Regardless of whether my projects are graphically pretty, I still use a high texture resolution and also haven't released either of the 2 games you pointed out there - I.E. We weren't finished and hadn't added the polish stage.
Lol, I just noticed you didn't even choose an up to date picture of Mamo to compare it with, that 1 was before we put shadows in and doesn't include any of the rest of the game, like these pictures:

^^^ Emphasis on non pixelly menus and a custom font ^^^

Furthermore, stating that "it was a nice touch" doesn't mean you completely finished the touch. I would assume any game designer using DBP would automatically at some stage before release change the font so I never said anything. Because undoubtedly if I had someone would have been like "Oh yeh, that's obvious - don't even state such a ridiculous improvement."

You also released this game as a PA - on a board where people are meant to criticize. So whether you like it or not, I've stated my opinion and told you why I'm not playing it, something other people don't seem to keen on either (judging by the low interest this thread is getting)

Now, stop ignoring the criticisms and start using it to improve. My original intention wasn't to have a good old rant about the game for hours on end, I just wanted you to be aware of the games flaws.

There's always room for v1.1? - I do it with all of my releases.
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2010 16:44 Edited at: 22nd Jun 2010 01:02
The emphasis of this game is not on super graphics (although some of the graphics are exceptional), but is on gameplay.

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2010 19:39
I give up trying to reason with you as you're being too critical of who I am and what I have or haven't achieved. The fact of the matter remains that my opinion is valid on the basis that this is a PA and you posted it here to get comments.
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2010 01:43
Though I agree with C0wbox that the interface might need some work, the game itself looks great for an indi game and runs at a good clip in-game(more important than the graphical quality itself imo.)

Daniel wright 2311
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2010 03:32
wow, I thought the game over all was fun, and is this not the only reason we play games? not for looks, if this was the case then i would not still play supper mario brothers.

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2010 03:46
This is great. Nice to take a break from our own development and play a game from another developer. Nice job.



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Posted: 3rd Mar 2010 14:36 Edited at: 22nd Jun 2010 01:02
Thanks, but what do you specifically mean regarding
Quote: "the interface might need some work "

Daniel wright 2311 and BlackFox:
Thanks much.

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2010 16:45 Edited at: 3rd Mar 2010 16:46
I do not agree with c0wbox and I personally think he is being a little too critical about (as usual), big deal, you used DBP fonts, it isn't like you are going to sell this game at Gamestop for like $60 or anything.

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2010 17:01
Well, the way it's set up is fine, it's just some parts of it seem a little strange. The buttons, for instance, look out of place because they are just a simple gradient. Perhaps an outline?

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Posted: 8th Mar 2010 05:50 Edited at: 22nd Jun 2010 01:03
Quote: "The buttons, for instance, look out of place because they are just a simple gradient. Perhaps an outline?"

There is a splash of a color gradient behind each of the selected players and in the block that indicates whether they are human or AI as well as the upper buttons. The buttons were made like this using the same colors, as the game associates these four main colors to their respective players throughout. The text over their head, the stars that are produced when a blow is landed, menu selections sometimes will use these colors, etc. I used to have abstract icons that were colored this way also, but I took them out for what is in there now.

I posted the character screen pic in May 2009 in the WIP thread and got three positive responses. No one mentioned any concerns about the buttons. I cannot find the .psd file and all of the layers are combined in the pic you see, so changing the buttons might involve a little work.

EDIT: The character selection screen has been revised. Please see the next post.

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2010 05:44 Edited at: 22nd Jun 2010 01:04
I did some work to revise the Character Selection screen to make it (hopefully) a little more appealing. I made the buttons in random fashion and retouched some other areas. I have it in layers now, so retouching it shouldn't be such a chore.

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Posted: 4th Apr 2010 08:10
Some suggestions:
-The attack collisions are a little too general, it was hard to tell if you wre getting hit, maybe just reduce the collision radius a little.
-Make the dead area closer. It is really easy to get players up to high damage percentages so they fly really far but they still don't die. Especially on the Block Verse level.
-Add a jump noise, without it it seems kinda awkward to see someone falling really quickly and then suddenly stop. A noise to indicate they jumped would make it seem more normal.
-The gravity gets a little intense, maybe turn it down a little as players seems to fall overly fast.
-Speed everything up a bit. The animations seem very slow, and I think speeding up the players movement and jump speed would make the game flow better.
Overall I think it turned out well, it just seemed a little choppy. These suggestions should only require minor corrections, but it is good either way.
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Posted: 4th Apr 2010 23:10 Edited at: 22nd Jun 2010 01:04
Hi Jerok, long time no 'see'. It is good to hear from you.

Quote: "The attack collisions are a little too general, it was hard to tell if you wre getting hit, maybe just reduce the collision radius a little."

Previously, the players were too close when they collided. I added more collision points to make it more accurate, but I see where it can be improved. Just so you know, there are stars placed at the point of impact. Their color tells you who recorded the hit (red = player 1, blue = player 2, yellow = player 3 or green for player 4).

Quote: "Make the dead area closer. It is really easy to get players up to high damage percentages so they fly really far but they still don't die. Especially on the Block Verse level."

I can bring them in a little closer. The Dream arena (Block Verse) is kindof a special level, in that when the players hit the water, they receive a little damage and are hurled back toward the center of the arena. Because of this, it is a little easier to stay alive. Still, I can reign it in a little bit more, as well as the other arenas.

Quote: "Add a jump noise, without it it seems kinda awkward to see someone falling really quickly and then suddenly stop. A noise to indicate they jumped would make it seem more normal."

I will see what I can do. I'm thinking of making a noise while they are jumping and when they land. It is a good suggestion. I probably would have included more sounds /FX, but I have to keep an eye on the game's filesize, since there is so much media associated with this game already.

Quote: "The gravity gets a little intense, maybe turn it down a little as players seems to fall overly fast."

Yes, I agree. Others have seen this too. I have already addressed it for the next final build.

Quote: "Speed everything up a bit. The animations seem very slow, and I think speeding up the players movement and jump speed would make the game flow better."

The animations were purposely slowed down because they were so fast that you really couldn't make out what was happening. I am pretty happy with the speeds now; of course, adjustments can be made. Some characters are purposely faster than others as far as actual movement goes. If you use Nutt, for example, he moves and jumps pretty quick, but Cool is a slowpoke by comparison. This is intended, because extra damage comes when you get hit with Cool, whereas Nutt is more nimble and does not damage opponents quite as much. It kindof evens things out a little bit.

Quote: "Overall I think it turned out well, it just seemed a little choppy. These suggestions should only require minor corrections, but it is good either way."

Thank you for your comments and feedback.

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Posted: 8th Apr 2010 07:58
Quote: "Hi Jerok, long time no 'see'. It is good to hear from you."

And here I didn't think anyone would remember me. I don't program much anymore, but I still stop by every once in a while just to see what everyone has been up to.

Quote: " If you use Nutt, for example, he moves and jumps pretty quick, but Cool is a slowpoke by comparison"

That prolly explains it, I mainly used Cool and Kel(cause those are the characters I recognised).

Quote: "Just so you know, there are stars placed at the point of impact."

Hmm, I'll have to pay attention to it the next time I play it, I don't think I noticed last time.
Alfa x
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Posted: 12th Apr 2010 21:39
Quote: "And here I didn't think anyone would remember me. I don't program much anymore, but I still stop by every once in a while just to see what everyone has been up to. "

Never is late to come back coding again
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Posted: 8th Jun 2010 05:37
Looking better. It's come a long way and it's nice to finally see a finished project on the tgc forums, lol.

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Posted: 8th Jun 2010 19:07 Edited at: 22nd Jun 2010 17:18
Thanks Satchmo

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Posted: 21st Jun 2010 19:32
Quote: "Never is late to come back coding again"

You know I am actually thinking about it. Its been a long time though.
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2010 00:19
I like the game but I got a headache trying to read the controls with the spinning thing in the backround

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Posted: 22nd Jun 2010 01:11 Edited at: 27th Aug 2010 02:44
Quote: "I like the game but I got a headache trying to read the controls with the spinning thing in the backround"

Glad to hear you liked it. I've heard that same comment before about the menu background. I will slow down the rotation on it.

EDIT: I made the change and it is much better. However, it will not be effective until I am done with the next final build (v 0.99), which will (EDIT: never be) finished.

So many games to little time.
Alfa x
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2010 17:59
Quote: "You know I am actually thinking about it. Its been a long time though."

I hope you come back. Is nice to have people working on the forums to share projects info and support each other.

Quote: "Glad to hear you liked it. I've heard that same comment before about the menu background. I will slow down the rotation on it."

im glad that you are still working on this, you could improve it slowly as time goes on. there is no rush.
Southside Games
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Posted: 30th Jun 2010 17:13
um. can't wait to play and all. but how DO I play it? I can't extract the file.
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Posted: 30th Jun 2010 18:30
Hi Southside Games,

The current build of TGC Heroes is about 83 MB unpacked and v 0.95 (which is currently available) is about the same, so it was necessary to compress it using WinRar (a compression utility) so that it would take less time to download it.

A free version of WinRar is available. DL link is here:

Instructions for playing the game itself are included in the TGC Heroes Game Manual (the link to it is located in the first post of this thread). I definitely recommend the manual as there are a lot of things in the game that do not appear on the surface, but make it a more enjoyable experience.

Please let me know if you need anything else,


Southside Games
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Posted: 1st Jul 2010 19:39
I'm still getting the controls down. but I have to say that it's very good from what I've seen thus far. can't wait to get the controls down! love the theme song to.
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Posted: 1st Jul 2010 21:28 Edited at: 27th Aug 2010 02:46
Hey thanks

To me, it is easiest to play using a joystick. If that is not available, the WASD keys work best for me. When you move the puck in the controls menu over the different selections, it will tell you what the keys/buttons do.

Probably the trickiest thing is the UberPwnage move, which requires two buttons or keys (depending upon your method of input) to be pressed at exactly the same time. It does take a little practice, but once you get it down, you can waste your opponents pretty easily with it.

Quote: "love the theme song to"

thanks again

So many games to little time.

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