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Program Announcements / Space Aliens From Space!

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2010 08:16 Edited at: 23rd Jan 2010 08:19
Logicstudios presents

Yes, that is right. I have finally finished a game!

Space Aliens From Space is a retro styled vertical scrolling shooting game. Think space invaders, but on something illicit.


Fast paced arcade shooting action.
Scaling difficulty. From easy to nearly impossible over 50 levels.
Simple menu & high score system.
In game instructions
Lots of bullets, baddies and explosions
Joypad or Keyboard support. Instructions are in the game.


This game is available to download for free.

Download the game and more information at

Also, this is my NaGaCreMo game for January 2010

Lets see who can get the highest score!

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2010 11:02
Very nice. Can I recommend brighter bullets from the aliens though, it cost me three lives before I realised they were shooting at me!

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2010 14:42
! Looks like a retro version of Demonstar. Lol

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Posted: 25th Jan 2010 18:06
Score 1055. Dam hehe..
But nice game! I agree with the need for lighter bullets though!

Good retro style gameplay. And the graphics works well.

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Posted: 25th Jan 2010 21:00
Bah Mnem, you beat me to it!

Love the C64 sid style music.

Well done mate

An old DBPro man but still: Just a casual observer.
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Posted: 25th Jan 2010 23:25
The bullets have been made lighter. I am fixing a couple of other problems in the game, and adding a small boss which appears at the end of every fifth level. Will post updates soon.

Beal - Long time no see lol

Kevin Picone
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Posted: 26th Jan 2010 14:50

Ahh, this is what you we're talking about (in this thread)

Was looking forward to playing this one, but apparently i'll have to upgrade my dx installation.

Are you going to post the source at some point ?

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Posted: 27th Jan 2010 06:40
ahh...yes it was. I am afraid my source code is really tacky as this was supposed to be a quick 3 day project. Turned into 3 weeks . If anyone wants the source code I can make it available, once I have finished adding the extra bits and the little tweaks.

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Posted: 27th Jan 2010 17:22
Seems that this turned out very well

But... uh... why did you use the demo versions of the songs instead of the polished, looping editions I spent quite some time fixing up?

charger bandit
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Posted: 27th Jan 2010 18:25
Could you maybe do 2 player and mouse support? Would be cool,one player on keyboard and the other one on mouse.

A.K.A djmaster
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Posted: 27th Jan 2010 22:20

oh carp. I used the wrong version of the song!

I knew there was 1 thing I forgot. Sorry dude, your best work will be in the new version.

@charger bandit

It aint happening Mouse support could be done, but that wouldn't fit with the style of the game. Joypads work however

as for 2 player. It aint happening

Kevin Picone
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Posted: 28th Jan 2010 15:03

Quote: "ahh...yes it was. I am afraid my source code is really tacky as this was supposed to be a quick 3 day project. Turned into 3 weeks . If anyone wants the source code I can make it available, once I have finished adding the extra bits and the little tweaks."

Yeah, I wouldn't mind a look at some point. Knock up a quick port.

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Posted: 28th Jan 2010 23:48
Let me put the finishing touches on the game and it is all yours, but beware of its shoddyness!

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Posted: 6th Feb 2010 21:22 Edited at: 6th Feb 2010 21:25
What the crap!
I posted on this when you made this game!
Anyways I think its a really good game well thought out.
I like the music you have in the game.
I can't believe I watched that whole scrollbar go by lmao!


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