I was wondering if you can load maps from CSS?
This command will load a BSP world into the 3D scene. The BSP world automatically draws to the current camera and cannot be rotated or repositioned. Culling, texturing and collision are all handled automatically and through the related world commands. The first parameter allows you to specify a packed file containing the BSP world files, normally a PAK or PK3 file. If the BSP world is not being loaded from a packed file, this parameter should be an empty string. The second parameter is the BSP filename of the world you wish to load. This file can either be contained within the specified packed file, or exist as a standalone BSP file. If loading the BSP file as a standalone file, ensure the current directory contains any files used by the BSP world.
void dbLoadBsp ( char* Pk3Filename, char* BspFilename )
Just dont know how to use it