It takes motivation and patience to learn C++. Patience for the butt-load of errors you will encounter trying to do stuff, and how irritable the compiler can be. The best way to learn is to know the mechanics of programming (logic), and the mechanics of C++ (keywords, types, control structures - if, while, for). Use Google to look up errors as you encounter them.
Here is a great site to learn. Usually, C++ is not that hard to learn (the basics), it's more difficult to become familiar with the assortment of libraries that are used regularly. I think it would be a good idea to start making console programs first, since that's where I started. I remember the first program (other than "Hello World") that I made asked the user to input two numbers and added them together. Get the basics down, then start moving on to the more challenging stuff. It will take time and many Google searches though, but don't be intimidated.
Your_Health = (My_Mood == HAPPY) ? 100 : NULL;