Well I made a search on this forum for matedit and it seems to be a matrix editor which was made for DB Classic and/or DB Pro and it is rather old. (References from 2001-2005 mostly.) Even its web site seems to contain something else now.
Since the program uses its own file format to store the matrix, you would need:
- either to know the file format, so that you can write your own loader,
- or a DB Pro code to load the matrix, which you can, with some effort, convert to Dark GDK code,
- or a converter that can convert the files into another format that can be loaded into Dark GDK more easily.
Have a look at this thread.
Here, "Lost in Thought" wrote a program to convert matedit files to X objects, as far as I understood the posts in quick reading. He also posted the source code to his converter (including the loading part) and there is a mention of it that the loader code is "already included in the package", so possibly you also have it in your matedit installation. Note, however, that the loader code is DB Pro and you need to know both that language and Dark GDK pretty well to make a conversion.
Maybe your best bet is to try if that converter, in its executable form, works for you, because X objects can be loaded into Dark GDK.