So i am making a cork screw.
I have used Milkshape some time ago for Counter Strike, but never got to finish a model before the trial was over, had to learn the very basics.
Welding vertexes together, looked all over the place for that.
Also a corkscrew is spiralling, figured it might not be the easiest 1st model, but the alternative, a pinball machine is probably even more work.
I used
3 stacks and
10 slices, polygons might not determine everything, but is this overkill? I need to make a lot of small rotations for the spiral shape, also the basic cylinder shape should not be to "edged".
Any advise on this would be really appreciated!
Attached is a screen as it is right now in Milkshape, next post would be the pic i roughly use as a reference.
Will be free when it is finished and looking decend. I would not dare to ask money for first models, even if they turn out good, wich i doubt.
If i ever ask something for them if would be for packs and really cheap.
After this i want to do some liquor accessoires (winecooler, olive, slice of lemon, small drink umbrella, etc), after that all the commenly used liquor glasses (coctail, whiskey, shot, cognac, highball etc), and if that ever get's finished and i'm still alive then all common drinks in bottles.