if you've uv mapped and textured it then thats the difficult part out of the way, if you want a quick way you want to open one of the default models FPE's (with notepad), you'll find them in the entitybank directory.
essentially copy it, change its name and enter your models name where it should be and the same goes for your texture, then copy them all into another folder in FPSC ofcourse, it'll use the entitybank label as its in engine image, however if you want a image of it then just take a picture of your model and save it as the same name as your FPE in BMP file format.
you'll also notice that the default models mesh is in the meshbank and its texture is in the texturebank, however this is uneccessary just drop those files in the same folder without the directory details before it, also the required DBO files are made by FPSC automatically when you start it up, hope this helped