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Posted: 2nd Mar 2010 15:48
Is there any way i can use a Nvidia card for darkphysics and an ATI card for the graphics with DBPro, if not can darkphysics be run on a cpu.
sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this.
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2010 18:17
It's an ok place to ask it.

I suspect trying to use the 2 cards at the same time would not work. The only way to force an NVidia card to only handle the PhysX interactions is to have 2 NVidia cards in an SLI configuration.

However, yes, DarkPhysics and PhysX run fine (but a bit slower) without an NVidia card. The only thing I've seen posted is that it wont do fluids, but I think it does, it's just very CPU intensive.

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2010 19:56
Thankyou for your answer. Im glad darkphysics can work on the CPU but now i have another question, iv got a quad core cpu could i use 2 of the cores for darkphysics and the other 2 for DBPro
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Posted: 4th Mar 2010 02:07
sorry to keep this one going but i dont like to give up,

has anyone tried this patch mod to get ati card to render and nvidia for physx
Duke E
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Posted: 4th Mar 2010 09:43

I'd proceed with extreme caution on anything that patches main operating system files, backup and make a system restore point before trying.

Quote: "- Terminate all NVIDIA runtimes (nv***.exe) and Windows Explorer shell (explorer.exe) manually before patching."

Also saw this on one of the comments, so one need to use old drivers, not necessarily a bad thing though:
Quote: "
Bad NEWS, for all those who have have used Nvidia cards for PhysX and ATI cards to render graphics in Windows 7…All that is about to the END of Enable & activate PhysX run on ATI Radeon GPU.

After 186 graphics drivers Nvidia has decided to disable PhysX anytime a Non-Nvidia GPU is even present in the same PC. "
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Posted: 4th Mar 2010 15:19
thanks for your input, i will still have a go i'll report back on how things went in a few weeks when iv got a nvidia gt 210 for (£30) and if all goes well then i can buy Dark Game Studio Bonanza
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Posted: 4th Mar 2010 17:49
Just don't get to excited about DarkPhysics. It's ok, but it's not the best. There are features available through PhysX that haven't been implemented in DarkPhysics, and from the sound of it they wont be, and if you aren't careful in how you use it the framerate can drop significantly, and there are frankly better Physics DLLs for DBPro available.

XenoPhysics - Isn't done yet, but shows great promise. It's based on the Havoc Physics engine, which is what most modern videogames use these days.

Newton Game Dynamics Wrapper - Haven't tried it myself, but it looks good.

But also, don't let me discourage you. The DarkStudio Bonanza Pack is a great deal, and I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to get started in game programming. DarkPhysics is good for getting your feet wet in that area of game making. When you're ready to move beyond it's capabilities, the others I mentioned will be there.

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Posted: 5th Mar 2010 12:19
Thanks KISTech now im back to step 1 i thought i had it all sorted out with what program add ons to use.
On the good side it looks like i dont need a new PSU or to buy a nvidia card that will save me over £100. Im still going to get the DarkStudio Bonanza Pack for all the other good bits i want. Now to try and find out which is faster Newton Game Dynamics Wrapper or XenoPhysics
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Posted: 5th Mar 2010 17:42
I've not looked into Newton, but XenoPhysics is going to be awesome.

Duke E
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Posted: 6th Mar 2010 12:49 Edited at: 7th Mar 2010 02:36
As the Physx drivers do not accelerate rigid bodys on the GPU yet (been ages since i saw something about this implementation, was talk about it on NVidias development forums). Rigids acceleration is working if you have a PPU card though (the old Aegia PCI one). However modern CPUs are probably faster than the PPU card nowadays. and the PPU wont work under Windows 7. You could probably use any physics package if you are not to use cloth or fluids and get the same performance as all use the CPU for rigids.


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