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Program Announcements / A side scroller in 3D (I call him Sir Corncob)

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Posted: 6th Mar 2010 04:53 Edited at: 6th Mar 2010 15:41
This is my first post on this forum. It's not a block buster game, but it's my first "completion". I kept trying to make more complicated ones, but I would allways get to a point that it would overwhelm me--mostly because it got messy!

This one is a little messy, but I have discovered some of my problems and future products will NOT have the same messyness! I just thought it would be nice to have something complete.

The play instructions are in the .zip. There are only 4 levels and the 4th dumps back to the first, but I would like to know what ya'll think.

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Posted: 6th Mar 2010 15:44
Here's an updated version with sound....

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Dr Tank
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Posted: 7th Mar 2010 01:00
I'm guessing this may have something to do with computer speed, but on my computer, the guy moves really slowly, although his animation looks like he's walking fast. Also I found it impossible to get from the top of the ladder to adjacent platforms.

Otherwise works well enough. Levels look quite nice with the light mapping.

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Posted: 7th Mar 2010 01:15
I'll look into the movement, but it's based on time (timebetweenframes). To get to the platform from a ladder, press [SPACE], then press the [R/L] arrow to move mid-air.... Yea, it's not realistic, but it's a simple game afterall.

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Posted: 7th Mar 2010 01:25
My bad! I looked at it and I had changed the code earlier for testing but forgot to change it back! Here's the updated code....

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Dr Tank
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Posted: 7th Mar 2010 01:50
Much better now. Nice to have different music and texture on level 2. Recommend you make platforms more distinguishable from background somehow. At the monet well camoflaged. Also, when i died, my guy just lay down and the game did nothing.

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Posted: 7th Mar 2010 02:12
Yea... I need to work on the platforms. When you die, nothing hapens, but you can press [ESC] and start over.... I suppose, I could put a bloody text of "Your dead!". I'll post again when I have something new.

The fastest code is the code never written.
Daniel wright 2311
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Posted: 7th Mar 2010 04:58
way to many enimys for me, keep the enimy limmit down to only like 4 in each leval then i can handle it, sarcasim, but really, where are all the enimys? it was fun to play other then that. reminded me of the old side scrollers from the 80's.

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Posted: 7th Mar 2010 15:17
The enemy count is made for my 10yo daughter. The levels can be edited. They are in the "Maps" directory. Each level has a kinda "legend" at the bottom, so you can place the monsters and items where you like and as many as you want.

The structure: walls are represented by X and the floors are -
The outer edge alternates between X and 0.
The X lines are structure and the 0 lines are items:
and so on...... It's in the level file.

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Posted: 8th Mar 2010 02:22
Pretty cool dude! A couple of suggestions:

Add smoothing to the player movement, it'll feel much more fluid.

Alter the combat system so that you can move while attacking (although I realise you may not have the animation for this). Or, have some kind of sprint functionality to generally speed things up.
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Posted: 10th Mar 2010 03:21
I have an update here. It has a FPS indicator. Just press F1 to make it active. You may be experiencing lag in frame rate which would make it look chopy.

For those with -not so fast- computers, I am sorry. I put no ramp-down stuff in my game.

I fixed a gross error on my part. In slower computers, the avatar doesn't jump high enough to play the game.... That's been fixed and all computers should see the same jump-up distance.

There were also some problems with the avatar looping the fall-down sequence when he dies. I can't seem to duplicate the problem on my machines, so if anyone can tell me how that's hapening, I would appreciate it.

The fastest code is the code never written.


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Dr Tank
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Posted: 10th Mar 2010 14:42
Guy moves much faster and jumps much higher than before. Some issues with jumping off ladders, and birds attacking you when you're on the ladder, but at a completely different height to them. Also, death animation loops like you say.

I might check you code later, but right now should be writing some of my own.

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Posted: 12th Mar 2010 21:16
hawk, i give u a thumbs up on this game....shows what DBPRO can do.
acouple question and comments.

1? did u learn on your own or did u follow on tutorials... i like the level castle made.
2? ur phyics...u program on ur own or download. the jumping was cool.

comments: not trying to be a jerk.

i don't know if my screen or program but found it dark to see...couldn't see what was killing me......when i died it doesn't reset. i download the latest zip but no music.

i like how the background shows in the windows. nice.
how this game will progress more.

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Posted: 18th Mar 2010 16:06
Quote: "i download the latest zip but no music."

That's odd. I wonder if anyone else has the same problem... I can't imagine why you would have no music...??

As far as the darkness, It's supposed to be kinda dark in some levels. If it's simply too dark, go the the "maps" folder and open the level that's too dark and change the rgb values for the ambient-- it's just after the texture list (looks like this: 0.07%%0.025%%0.025)

Quote: "did u learn on your own or did u follow on tutorials"

I have prior programing knowlege C++/DX.
Quote: "ur phyics...u program on ur own or download"

I use my own. As some people have seen, jumping was a problem with slower computers, but using a sin() function, it's good now.
Quote: "when i died it doesn't reset"

I'm not sure what your asking. I have noticed on some machines that it loops the "dieing" sequence sometimes.... I haven't been able to duplicate it on my machine, so I'm not sure how to fix it. The source code is in the download and I would like for someone that has experienced that to troubleshoot it.

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Matty H
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Posted: 18th Mar 2010 20:45 Edited at: 18th Mar 2010 20:45
I too get the repeated death animation, I don't have dbPro so I cant look at it for you, other than that, pretty impressive.

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Posted: 20th Mar 2010 00:08
I thought this game was really good! I was thinking of doing a 3d platform game and this has given me some really good ideas. Great work!

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