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3 Dimensional Chat / DirectX Exporter for Blender 2.49/2.5

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Posted: 2nd May 2010 03:35
This script is great, now I can finally get working on my game again. However it seems that it's not exporting my object's uv texture even when i click the "Export Textures" button in the exporter. In the .x file I found it never referenced any of my texture images. In dbpro, it has no texture even when I manually apply one with

Is there anything i need to do to my model for textures to be exported?

If it hasn't exploded yet, I haven't touched it.
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Posted: 2nd May 2010 03:44
You said it didn't export the "uv texture" but then that it didn't "reference texture images". You can run it through this code to see if it actually has the proper UVs or if it's another problem:

Duke E
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Posted: 2nd May 2010 06:08 Edited at: 2nd May 2010 06:13
Quote: "Is there anything i need to do to my model for textures to be exported?

Read my the post i made a couple steps up.

As for models with no texture applied it works perfectly, just do not use any materials. My UV mapped character models use textures blended in the code using alpha maps so i can color them with the correct team colors then i apply the texture with Texture object.

However, in order to use a texture that is attached to the model (the texture has to me in the same directory as the model also) you have to apply a material. Does not matter what colour or whatever settings it has. However that is not enough, after the material is applied you have to link a texture to the material...

Select the object you want to work with.

In the "buttons window" hit F5 until you see the "Links and Pipeline" pane, there you select "Add new".
Now you have a material, now you need to add a texture.

Look at the right, there should be a "Texture" pane.
Select "Add new" then hit F6.

You should see a combobox saying "None" and the text: "Texture type" above that.
Activate the combo and select "Image" in the list.

A new pane "Image" will show up with a button named "Load".
Hit the "Load" button and load the texture you want.

Now export.

The texture should show if the texture image is in the same directory as the model.

There are far better instructions out there than i managed here, even videos on Youtube .

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Posted: 2nd May 2010 16:49
Thanks, I didn't know that the material had to have the texture image type with the texture file.

If it hasn't exploded yet, I haven't touched it.
Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 3rd May 2010 03:53
Sorry, I probably should have explained the little nuances like that. I wanted to make it as explicit as possible, so I require that the texture be linked to the material. Other material settings such as Diffuse color, Specular color, and Specularity should export even when an image texture is linked in. Maybe I should start a help document for little things like this.

I've been out of town for the weekend, but I'll be back tomorrow.

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Posted: 5th May 2010 03:22
I have a little thing that you could add to the exporter (rather actually a big thing) Would it be possible to have it export particles? Like I mean for it to convert baked particles in Blender into an object with animated planes that are textured. I hope thats not too much to ask for. It would help many people when programming games because then they could just use blender's particle system and not have to write there own.

If it hasn't exploded yet, I haven't touched it.
Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 6th May 2010 03:55
Hm, that's an interesting idea. I dunno exactly how feasible that is, as it seems like a pretty specific-use feature. It sounds like something I'd be interested in looking into in the future. Right now my efforts are being directed mainly at rewriting the script to work with Blender 2.5. We'll see.

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Posted: 7th May 2010 06:24
Well, I just exported my model for the 3D Master comp, looks good, Lithunwrap tells me I've got normals, so yay .

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Posted: 8th May 2010 18:43
I was re-exporting all my objects when I suddenly got an error when I exported one of models. It says on the consol:

What does this mean?
I attached the .blend file.

If it hasn't exploded yet, I haven't touched it.


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Posted: 8th May 2010 19:33
This 2.5 exporter will be so nice indeed

Thanks for all your hard work into this. Another cool thing would be to have the key configuration file from 2.49 available to install in 2.5. Maybe its out there or save able from 2.49 but I cant seem to find it.

Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 8th May 2010 23:01
@DonWON: Thank you How do you mean, about a key configuration file?

@Madscientist: Alright, I've fixed that bug. Check the OP for the update. It was an error I never expected to get because I didn't know that Blender doesn't update the list of bones currently affecting a mesh. In another armature, or in the same armature, did you used to have a bone called Gun? Blender kept the vertex group for that bone, and because it no longer exists, threw an error when it couldn't find the PoseBone for it. Anyhoo, I've now added a check for all vertex groups to make sure that the bones they're used for still exist.

Your model exports now, but there seems to be an issue in the way the armature is setup (the string seems to fly upward whenever it gets pulled back). I don't know if it has to do with the old bones or not, but you might want to delete all vertex groups on the object and redo the rig. I made a little test (and attached it) similar to what your model requires to see if the exporter was messing up, but it exported just fine. There might be remnants of too many things in your rig, making it worthwhile to start fresh.

Thanks for letting me know about the error.


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Posted: 8th May 2010 23:05
So that the hotkeys are the same but they are really close so its not to big a deal.

How goes the progress on the 2.5 exporter? Can I open a blend file in older one and then export? I guess I could try myself but I figured to ask anyway

Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 8th May 2010 23:13
Unfortunately slow. I'm having a lot of trouble finding enough documentation on the new API. I'm still working at it though.

I'd advise against doing that. Many things about the new .blend files are incompatible with the old. In fact, if you try it, the old Blender will warn you about the same thing. Hmm, maybe you could try linking/appending the objects you want from the new .blend?

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Posted: 8th May 2010 23:43

as soon i can put down that 360xbox control...gonna finish wat i start in blender, so i cane get to exporting using all these cool feature ur export is...i experment i little just solid shapes and it work great but is different result loading in dbpro.

kira do speficfy wat version u put everytime u fix ur code.

keep up the great work...


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Posted: 8th May 2010 23:49
So far it worked but it was just a static object more or less but I have a gun needing exportation and not sure what to do at this point. Hopefully soon there will be a way since I really hate going thru a 3 channel pipeline just to see it dont work.

Again... thanks for all the hard work.

Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 9th May 2010 00:41 Edited at: 9th May 2010 00:44
@leo877: How do you mean, the result is different in DBPro? Also, the bug fixes I've made recently aren't worthy of a new version number. Instead, I only change the date on the file. The most recent version is in DirectX9Exporter

@DonWON: Is the exporter not working for something? If you attach the .blend file, I can take a look at it. Also, I recommend downloading the DirectX SDK. It has a DirectX Viewer that I use to test exported models. If it loads in the viewer, it should load in DBPro. The only difference is animation speed (the viewer will play everything really really fast (unless you stick
in the .x file, above AnimationSet, which I will update the exporter to do later.).).

@leo877: Thanks for using the banner!
@DonWON: I forgot that you're using 2.5. I seem to remember that animation doesn't really transfer well between versions.
I can't make any promises, but I'll get the 2.5 version working as soon as possible.

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Posted: 9th May 2010 01:56
Sorry, misunderstanding. I have models in 2.5 that need exporting so I have to wait for the exporter. Yours work fine its just that the models I made are in 2.5 that have anims. Thanks again.

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Posted: 10th May 2010 05:17 Edited at: 10th May 2010 21:14
Is there a way to export multiple textures? I'm having trouble because whenever I export, only one of the texture files are loaded.

EDIT: Problem solved, all I had to do was create different materials and assign each to the right faces.
Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 10th May 2010 21:12
Not at present. I recommend loading the object and then applying additional textures manually. I haven't experimented with exporting multiple textures in a way that DBPro would be happy with. I dunno if it's even possible through a .x file. If someone has a way to test this, I would be very interested in the results.

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Posted: 10th May 2010 21:19 Edited at: 11th May 2010 00:32
Sorry, I was editing so I didn't see your post.

I said that it finally worked because when I loaded the X file in DirectX viewer, all the textures appeared the way I wanted.
Quote: "all I had to do was create different materials and assign each to the right faces"

Edit: I tried it out in DBPro and it seems to work fine All of the textures were applied normally.

Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 11th May 2010 00:48
Ah, my mistake. I thought you meant you needed to apply different textures to different textures stages. Yes, multiple materials should work just fine, but it will always export only the first image texture on each material.

I use the DirectX Viewer to test everything because it's quick and gives very similar results to DBPro. I'm glad to hear it's all working.

Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 12th May 2010 08:13 Edited at: 12th May 2010 08:17
For anyone that's interested, work on the 2.5 version is coming along more or less smoothly, but slowly. It's taken me a while to figure out a lot of the little nuances of the new API, but I'm having some success.

For the new version, I have to scrap that nice GUI that I spent so long on, meticulously testing the position of each piece of text. Ah well, such is life.

The new version implements the exporter as an operator, callable from anywhere (which is one of the things that makes Blender 2.5 so friggen cool!), that brings up a file selector window with export options on the side.

I've attached a pic of the new GUI. I hope there's more to show soon!

Edit: Sorry for the double post. I guess I really should've just edited my last post.


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Posted: 12th May 2010 13:28
I have been using blender for about 3 months now and your DX Eporter is excellent.I will be using Blender 2.5 when the bugs have
been ironed out.I will look forward to using your DX Exporter for
2.5.Thanks for all your hard work on the exporter.
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Posted: 12th May 2010 15:14
Thanks for the update and glad to see its going well. Cant wait to use 2.5 full time.

Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 13th May 2010 09:50
So I have a rather large problem. Apparently the new API handles Matrix and Vector math completely differently... this is not good. Sigh, I'm gonna have to trudge through the math again and update. This is going to take longer than I expected.

On a completely unrelated note, I got fed up with Blender 2.5's text editor because it doesn't use "smart tabs". That is, it doesn't keep the indentation of the previous line whenever you hit Enter (which is a very important feature to miss out on for Python programmers). BUT, because Blender 2.5 is so friggen cool, I wrote a little script that allows me to use smart tabs in the text editor and I thought I'd share it with you all. Just drop it into the .blender/scripts/addons folder and enable it from the User Preferences > Add-Ons tab.


And I'll keep at the exporter. I'll make it through this!


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merlin for real
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Posted: 13th May 2010 15:42 Edited at: 13th May 2010 16:01
Fantastic man. I needed this just as any blender head would. Great job, it has solved many headaches. I've been working with 2.5 recent builds and like it alot, hardly wait for your new exporter. One thing though, when I try to download your update from 4-26-2010 to 5-8-2010 my download manager tells me I already have the file. I then manually checked the directory and the file indeed reports the 4-26-2010. What gives? Is it possible the file name was not changed on your end and is indeed the update? I'll Dl it anyway and just overwrite. Anyway, thanks a bunch man,

whew, too much coffee

EDIT I just dl again and all is fine now, the file date and update are correct, my bad.............
Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 17th May 2010 04:57
Alright, here's the first visible progress on the 2.5 version. So far, it exports static models just fine. Animation soon to come! (which is what most people are interested in, I'm sure)

Check the OP for the updates.

Oh, and I've updated the banner.

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Posted: 17th May 2010 07:43
This is going to be the bestest ever...+1!

Really, great work and cant wait for the animation. I am almost done with the character and will need animations but will soon be ready for game...I hope. I am using 2.49 for now but am super excited to get to use 2.5 full time.

Happy coding

merlin for real
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Posted: 17th May 2010 16:09
This is off topic but I cannot figure out what scale to use for FPSC. Surely there is a set number. right now I am just guessing at it then readjusting the objects scale in FPSC .FPE file. Oh, I'm using Blender 2.49 and 2.5

Duke E
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Posted: 17th May 2010 23:03
Quote: "I cannot figure out what scale to use for FPSC"

In 2.49 the scale in Blender is one DB unit/Blender unit. So the default box will be two DB units/side. Scale the default box 0.5 and it will be one DB unit. The "View/Properties > Grid spacing" in default is also one DB unit. I imagine the DB units scale are the same as in FPSC?
Best way to find a specific objects size in Blender is to use the "N" key to put up the Transform properties, and look at the DimX, DimY, DimZ values. Don't thrust the ScaleX. Y. X. values though as applying ObjData (Ctrl A,1) resets the scaling values.
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Posted: 20th May 2010 08:03
Any progress to post?

I started learning Blender in 2.5 and got ok with it then went to 2.49 just for the exporting reasons and now I am lost in 2.5. Guess it will be all worth it when the exporter comes out to learn 2.5 again. 3dmax was so simple compared to Blender but in my opinion not as well made for game modeling and animation. Not to mention the price tag. Hope to see some progress soon.

Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 20th May 2010 21:50
Unfortunately very little. My friend is getting married this weekend, so I'll be busy for the next couple of days. I'll really plow into this project on Monday. Sorry for the delays.

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Posted: 21st May 2010 02:09
Thats fine with me and wish him the best. Just the fact that there is an exporter coming out sometime is excitement enough. Have fun this weekend and stay safe.

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Posted: 22nd May 2010 08:25
Lol, that's funny! First you did *facepalm*, and that took me a second to work out, and I thought that was funny, and then I saw *facedesk* and almost fell off my seat picturing you thumping your face on the desk!!!

On a more serious tone, I am soooooo glad you are making this new .x exporter! I have been trying to make a 3D HUD system that is simply the inside of a spaceship that I modelled and exported using the default exporter, but it messed up the UV coords and made the centre of the model about 5 units above the model! This exporter works great, though! You should be made a moderator with the next batch of moderators! But don't worry about always forgetting about uncommenting lines, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I do it ALL THE TIME with DBPro, and because at about 500 lines it starts to become a bit confusing as to where you are in the script, you very often lose a commented line that was there simply for debugging. Speaking of debugging, do any of you guys ever get your BROTHER hanging over your shoulder when your making a game in DBPro saying things like, "Why is it doing that? Shouldn't it be turning the other way?" or "Why can't you shoot?". The latter just makes me want to jump off a bridge. I mean, why do you think you can't shoot?! Obviously, I haven't made it so you can shoot!

*calming down.....* Sorry, I just got a bit carried away, there, but that's who I have to put up with all day!


P.S. Great work, Kira!

Making games is easy.....finishing them is a different matter.

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Posted: 24th May 2010 02:31
@DonWON: Thanks It was a wonderful wedding.

@Clonkex: I'm glad it's working for you As for becoming a moderator, I'm not sure this counts as a great enough contribution to the community. lol. Thanks for the encouragement though! I'm guessing this brother is younger than you? My brother is younger, but very close in age, so I use him for thorough testing on occasion.

As for the exporter, I get home this evening, so I'll get back to work on this today.

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Posted: 26th May 2010 03:51 Edited at: 26th May 2010 03:51

I've added support for object animation in the 2.5 script. I've also decided to implement the script as an Add-On, as most people who write extensions for Blender seem to be doing. All this means is that you need to drop the script in the .blender/scripts/addons folder instead of .blender/scripts/io, and then enable it from the User Preferences window under the Add-Ons tab. I've updated the installation instructions in the OP.

Also, if you've downloaded a previous version of the 2.5 script, I recommend deleting it from the .blender/scripts/io folder to avoid getting double menu entries.

Another issue to address is the version of Blender 2.52 that I should be writing this for. At current, I'm writing this using Blender 2.52 r27226, but due to API changes, the script doesn't work with later builds. I thought I'd ask which version of Blender 2.52 everyone's using before dropping support for r27226 and moving on to a recent build. If you downloaded Blender 2.52 from, chances are that you're using r27226, but I'd like to know from all of you.

For those who don't know, you can check your version and revision number by opening Blender 2.52, and checking the upper-right corner of the start-up dialog. I've attached a picture.

Anyhoo, work on the exporter is coming along, but slowly, as I'm having to relearn all of Blender's internals. My next goal is Armature deformation, followed by Armature bone animation.

Wish me luck!

PS: You can download recent builds of Blender 2.52 from here. The latest build at the time of this writing is r28990, but they make newer ones all the time.


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Posted: 26th May 2010 05:05 Edited at: 31st May 2010 04:16
Yes, he is younger than me, but also close in age. I am only (emphasis on that word) [under 18] and he's nearly [under 18]. I wish I was at least old enough to get my Driver's License. Really annoying, I still have another whole year to wait. And then I have to wait another whole year to get freedom!

I know, you really have to be helping with the community a lot to be moved up to moderator status, but I think a moderator should at least be able to speak and type nicely. I hate it when you get a mod that uses txting.



Mod Edit: Please don't post your age if you are under 18

Edit: Sorry...

Making games is easy.....finishing them is a different matter.

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merlin for real
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Posted: 26th May 2010 11:55 Edited at: 26th May 2010 11:56
I have two builds at the moment. My laptop is running 2.52.5 r28904 and my workstation is 2.52.5 r28725. I haven't tried your latest exporter yet but I am sure glad you are working on this. I tend to update the builds to coincide with the video tutorials that I follow on Blender Cookie.
thanx for the great work man,

Good Luck!

Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 26th May 2010 20:48
I see, thanks for the info. Well now I don't know what to do. I'm thinking I should just drop support for r27226 and use a recent build. As it is now, my script won't work with either of your builds, as it doesn't work with builds as early as r28590. Unless an overwhelming number of people still want support for r27226, I'm just going to drop it. Lemme know!

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Posted: 27th May 2010 01:59
As badly as I want the exporter I am fine with working in 2.49 until there is a stable version of 2.5. If I were you I would just wait until the final..ish version is out so you are not waisting time. Someday it will be a great program but for now its fun to play with. Thanks again for all the hard work.

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Posted: 29th May 2010 16:16 Edited at: 29th May 2010 16:34
Just discovered this thread and after testing the exporter on a couple of objects I have to say that the days of my Blender->DBPro export frustration (extreeeeme frustration) may finally be over!!

Just to clarify, regarding the features of the latest version:

* -Meshes deformed by armatures
* * -Object Animation
* -Armature Bone Animation

Does this mean I can export animations of skinned meshes deformed by armatures or not? I've tried a couple of times and it doesnt seem to work for me.

I'm using Blender 2.49.

Edit: It works for skinned meshes and vertex groups. But not when you 'parent to bone' and object.
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Posted: 29th May 2010 20:23
Yes, it does

Make sure that the Armature modifier is "real", otherwise it won't work.

Quote: "But not when you 'parent to bone' and object. "

Yeah, that doesn't work right now. Honestly, I never really thought of it. Hmm, maybe I'll think about it some more and include it in a future version.

Right now, most of my efforts are geared towards rewriting the script to work with 2.5. I have made the decision to drop support for 2.52 r27226, and continue development for r28964. I understand that this means the script will not work for people with r27226, but they can, and I encourage them to (as the newer versions fix many issues that are in r27226) download a recent build from

I've gotten some very promising news from Meta-Androcto, the person who manages the scripts repository for Blender, and he says that if I can get it up to date with the latest builds, he'll get it included into Blender!

Happy Blending!

Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 5th Jun 2010 10:20
Sorry for the lack of updates. I started work on my 3D compo entry and got distracted. I'll continue this when I've got large chunk of that done. Right now I'm halfway into adding Armature deformation support. I'm right at the point where I'm gonna have to re-figure a lot of my math due to API changes. Sigh.

Anyhoo, I thought I'd drop by to apologize about the slow progress. Be sure to check in about a week from now.

Don Malone
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2010 04:17
I have not yet downloaded this, but it seems you have done an awesome job by the posts you have received. Great work, and I am downloading now for 2.49. This is the script every potential Blender user needed.

I am waiting impatiently on 2.5.


Don Malone
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2010 04:49
Thanks for the kind words.

I'm sorry for the wait. I needed a break, so I started an entry for the 3D modelling competition. Anyhoo, that'll be over soon, so I'll get back to the rewrite.

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Posted: 29th Jun 2010 07:57
Alrighty! Now that the compo is over, I can get back to this project.

I think I've conquered the math that was bothering me, but now I'm having issues wading through Blender's new (and extremely convoluted) method of handling vertex weight groups. Sigh, the logic behind this little bit is just not easy. This rewrite is taking more out of me than I thought it would.

Anyhoo, I'm pushing ahead now, so I hope to update soonish.

Sorry for the wait.

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Posted: 8th Jul 2010 09:53

Check the OP for the download, and please read the notes!

I've added support for static Armature deformations. Basically, you can now pose an armature that deforms a mesh, but you cannot animate it. Also, I've fixed a mindless bug that caused object animation not to export correctly. Oops

Remember, this script no longer works with Blender 2.52 r27226, so if you downloaded your copy of Blender 2.5 from the Blender site, the script will not work. It works for sure with r28964 (It is currently being developed with this build), and probably with each build since then. I'll do testing soon to be sure, but builds somewhat close to 28964 would be your best bet. Again, you can get the new builds here.

Armature animation coming soon!

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Posted: 8th Jul 2010 11:50
Thanks for all your hard work on this.
Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 8th Jul 2010 22:38 Edited at: 8th Jul 2010 22:38
@Scope: I'm happy that it's appreciated.


Version 1.0 is here!!!

Check the OP for the download and be sure to read the notes!

I've just uploaded v1.0 of the 2.5 exporter. At this point in time, I've successfully ported all features of the 2.49 script into the 2.5 script. Whew, that took a while!

I've very sorry to keep switching versions on everyone, but I've downloaded the latest version of Blender (currently r30120) and updated the script to work with it. This means that it will no longer work with r28964, and of course, will still not work with r27226. That's all rather annoying for everyone (myself included), but such is the price we pay for excellent, under constant development, amazing 3D software.

Anyhoo, armature animations should work fine now, but of course, as always, please let me know of any bugs you encounter. The 32-bit Windows build of Blender that the script now works with is here.

I've only been able to test a handful of builds, but I found that r30109 works with the script as well. r29702 does not work with the script, so the change to the API happened somewhere in between. If you are a 64-bit Windows user, you can safely use r30109 with this script.

Here are some links:
Blender 2.52 r30109 for 32-bit Windows
Blender 2.52 r30109 for 64-bit Windows

Don't worry about having a million builds of Blender on your computer. You can easily switch between them as you need to. Here's what my Blender Foundation folder looks like:

Anyway, now that v1.0 is here, I hope people find this script useful, as they've been waiting on it for so long.

Happy Blending!


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Duke E
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Joined: 10th Mar 2009
Posted: 9th Jul 2010 03:51 Edited at: 9th Jul 2010 03:54
Great work Kira,

I have been involved in projects where the specifications altered during development so i can feel the hurt, i have no doubt you can keep it updated until it is finalized. Hope the converter get official recognition from the Blender Community.

Have been waiting for this to change out my 2.49 to 2.5. I'll wait for a "semi" stable 2.5 though


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