Quote: "Does it make a difference if i have load a bitmap image as a back drop and printing text over the top of the image? Will that stop the ways you have put here from working?"
Let's find out, shall we?
sync on : sync rate 60
set display mode 800,600,32
SW = screen width() : SH = screen height()
randomize timer()
hide mouse
` make backdrop image
create bitmap 1,SW,SH
cls rgb(255,255,0)
set text size 60
for g = 1 to 100
ink rgb(rnd(128) + 127,rnd(128) + 127,rnd(128) + 127),0
text rnd(SW * .8),rnd(SH * .9),"This is text."
next g
set text size 12
ink rgb(0,0,255),0
text SW * .55,SH * .55,"the text is here abcdef etc etc etc"
get image 1,0,0,SW,SH
set current bitmap 0
backdrop on : texture backdrop 1
disable escapekey
if returnkey() = 1
if image exist(2) = 0 : ` have to do this because DBP weirds out the display if not
` set color to background color
ink rgb(255,255,0)
set current bitmap 1
box SW * .55,(SH * .52) + text size(),(SW * .55) + text width("the text is here abcdef etc etc etc") + 40,(SH * .52) + 30 + text size()
get image 2,0,0,SW,SH
if image exist(1) = 1 then delete image 1
texture backdrop 2
set current bitmap 0
until keystate(1) = 1
delete bitmap 1
if image exist(1) = 1 then delete image 1
if image exist(2) = 1 then delete image 2
show mouse
I found that if I use the same image for the backdrop and just re-do it, that DBP weirds out and enlarges the image. If you delete it and use another image it works okay (as I have done).
Use the [ENTER] key to erase the text from the backdrop. Use ESC to exit.