7:00: Spend 15 minutes wishing I hadn't gotten up because damn, that was a good dream.
7:15: Get up, stumble downstairs, shower.
7:45: Eat something for breakfast, drink coffee.
8:00: All ready for the day. Turn on my dad's computer so I'll have internet, turn on mine. Go online. Browse my haunts, check my mail, maybe check CNN to see if the world has ended yet.
9:00: School (yes I homeschool).
2:00: All done. Grab a quick lunch, launch my favorite game at the moment.
2:15: Windows 98 crashes just as I make a major achievment in the game. Curse, hit my computer, reboot.
2:30: Repeat.
2:45: Repeat.
3:00: Enter #darkbasic in a blaze of glory. Chat. Browse net. Be on MSN and AIM.
4:00: Code or write, depending on how I'm feeling.
5:30: Windows 98 crashes (typically just before I save). Restart. Crash. Repeat many times. Whine about wanting Windows XP but worrying about DOS programs on the IRC channel. Repeat many times.
6:15: Eat dinner, wash dishes.
7:00: Go onto the forums a bit more, chat a bit more, generally waste time as the day winds to a close.
7:30: Free time on or off the computer, no strict schedule. Windows 98 isn't allowed to crash from now until 10:00, and if it does I delete some system files at random to teach it a lesson.
10:00: Read, write, report a DBP bug (typically it's not a bug but my system being weird or my brain being dumb).
10:30: Shut down dad's computer. Loose internet connection. Do any left-over schoolwork. Listen to some music.
12:00: Go to bed. Promise myself I'll have a quick dream that finishes before 7:00 this time.
--Mouse: Famous (Avatarless) Fighting Furball
Read It: http://www.angryflower.com/itsits.gif
Learn It: http://www.angryflower.com/bobsqu.gif