One piece of advice.
Make it totally right first time.
And make it easy for other people to edit it. (I mean a admin pannel with super user login (article writers)).
Then you need to code neat, and code well, code for all browsers (some uni's are like GNU through and through with only mozilla (whatever version was out in 2000).
Then you NEED search, PHP it and use a DB to store the data, check out for a tut on full text searching.
And be cleaver, use htaccess files and PHP to authenticate, then you can match username to user type and forward to the page needed (using the header info of course).
Lastly is it a comprehensive (secondry/high) school or a college etc.
If so then you may want to think about homework, or some system that records a classes homework.
Thats my advice (My MSN is bellow)
Onto your question
Quote: " I have never done it before and want to know if there are issues (like copyright, trademark) and what to do about it."
Trademarks need to be shown if there is a trademark. Like erm, i canny think of an example. I will post one later.
Copyright is easy, link to the creators website, and in the terms and conditions say that all works are copyright of thier respecive owners, if there is a problem please email this address (your email)with the problem etc.
Always cover your hide in the Terms And Cons.
Oh and always use © for the copyright (C) cause it is meant to be 100% readable by browsers and using (C) or the ANSII (C) is not totally legal proof.
You NEED a privacy policy, EVERY webserver program/software records user info when the get (Or GET
) a page or image. So make one to say no third party etc, and exlpain cookies and sessions etc. etc. in there for future.
As you may have Gathered i am a web designer, my main field is Systems Design and Programing, and Database programing, all in PHP and HTML.
I also do the grpahics but i prefer the logic problems that software can create, expecially around the 2000 line area.
Good luck, and MSN me if you have too many problems, i should be on often (7:30AM - 8:30AM, 4:00PM - 6/7/8:00PM) Weekdays and mid morning mid afternoon and evening @ weekends, GMT)
- MP
Lastly, GET YOU SERVER SPECS, you need PHP, MYSQL, CGI (email piping
, again MSN me) APACHE (htaccess) and FTP software.
Web Design Starting from $200. Special limited offer. MSN or Email me for more information.