I just wanted to comment, on Python. It is a great language for sure and definitely one of the most easiest languages I found to get into. It has a vast amount of books, Internet resources with code, tutorials, etc.. All kinds of neat modules as well.
The only thing I dislike is that it does not have a very easy to understand distribution model, for finished programs.. Sometimes it can be a nightmare to package something, and make sure you have all the proper dependencies either listed, or included, etc..
py2exe can make things a lot easier, especially with wxForms/ wxPython (native look & feel GUI forms, for your target platform) but it still leaves a lot to be desired.
As a game scripting tool, though python has very good potential and many good uses.. From my understanding what you pretty much do with Blender is do your game maps, objects, etc.. But then Python is powerful and diverse enough, that you can write the whole of the game logic itself in just Python.. (blender handles the rendering with its C++ based engine of course).
I really wish we could get a Python binding/plugin for DBPro. That would be awesome.. Lua is too cryptic for me, and Ruby is ostensibly slower and almost "So easy its hard to figure out" that I just couldn't use it if we ever had the option in the future... At least for me that's how Ruby is..
Python would be a great asset for many DarkBASIC programmers, IMHO.
Although I suppose.. with something like DarkDGK, using VisualC++, couldn't you then get access to Python, and subsequent modules (SQlite for example) as well, by embedding it into your application?
That might be a neat idea for me to explore...