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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / Dark Physics Gravity: WHY WOULD IT DOOOO THISSSSS

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Location: Columbus, OH
Posted: 29th Mar 2010 05:42
For reasons unknown, my gravity decided to fail. The situation:

Character jumps, gravity reduces the positive upward velocity at an expected acceleration. Once the y velocity goes negative (falling), it maxes out at exactly -4.7 something every time. Guy falls super slowly.

I leave the gravity at the default -9.8. I have no forces acting on the object, no changes to velocity. Gravity works when it is moving upward, but poops out as soon as the object starts falling.

It would be impossible to post the code, for various reasons. Has anyone heard of something like this?

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Posted: 29th Mar 2010 05:45
Interesting side note:

When I turn forces back on, and start moving rapidly left or right, the downward acceleration picks up to about -20. When I stop moving horizontally, it remains at that number.

How are you gentlemen!! All your base are belong to us. You are no chance to survive make your time. Ha ha ha ha.
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Location: Columbus, OH
Posted: 29th Mar 2010 05:47
Final note:

Upon loading, there is a significant, unexplained upward force acting on the object that the "gravity" accelerates down to a negative number before it quits.

How are you gentlemen!! All your base are belong to us. You are no chance to survive make your time. Ha ha ha ha.
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Posted: 29th Mar 2010 15:26
Without more of an example, there's not much we can help you with, actually.

Screenshots / code / YouTube clips. Anything.
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Location: Columbus, OH
Posted: 29th Mar 2010 19:59
So you haven't heard of it? Ah well. Looks like I'm on my own.

Honestly, it wouldn't work to give you all my code, and I'm not sure that I want to anyway.

If anyone has any theories, I would be grateful. If not, I've fixed worse problems on my own in the past. I'll keep scratching my head until something happens.

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Posted: 29th Mar 2010 21:39
At this point, it's really just gravity being slowmo. Disregard all the other stuff I said.

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Location: Columbus, OH
Posted: 29th Mar 2010 23:04
So here's the lol. One of the main things that made everything move slowly was that I was setting the font of my output every loop iteration. The font did this to me.

Moved it out, worked better. Now, if I load a terrain, it still moves slower, but I can change that. Dark Physics doesn't have to calculate the whole thing at all times, which is what I assume is happening.

Somebody set up us the bomb.

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