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Program Announcements / Soup by Cowbox

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Posted: 6th Apr 2010 00:19 Edited at: 23rd Apr 2010 00:36

Hai everyone who likes me and doesn't, Soup is finally done, if you missed the WIP, well... it's on the WIP board.

Soup is a short puzzle game I thought up, designed and created all on my own. Everything in the game, bar the textures and the intro, was created by me alone.

I said right from the start that I wouldn't accept any help from the guys in Soharix on Soup so I could actually finish a game and prove my worth to everyone who knows me xD.

The basic structure of the game and it's puzzles are like that of the Myst series (By Cyan Worlds and Ubisoft) but offers 3D environments like that of Myst Uru.

I used the puzzle idea to keep the game interesting and give it some depth but the overall feel is to be fairly light hearted and at the end of the day, just a game. - So you'd better enjoy it

The basic gameplay is WASD controlling and mouse movement to look around.

To give people an idea of how little effort it takes to make something like this:
* I started Soup on 13/03/2010 (d/m/y)
* The code is 2207 lines long.
* It was all coded in Dark BASIC Pro.
* I am using Sparky's collision DLL and Evolved's Parallax mapping and refraction shaders.
* I'm using urlmon.dll to retrieve the MOTD.
* All the maps were made in Deled LITE and CE.
* All the models were made in Deled LITE and the character was animated in Milkshape3D.

Here are some screenshots to prove I'm not lying about actually having a relatively complete project:

Soup v1.1 is available now:
Download link:
Soup - 25/03/10 - <Outdated>
Soup - 29/03/10 - <Outdated>
Soup v0.99 - 02/04/10 - <Outdated>
Soup v1.00 - 05/04/10 - <Outdated>
Soup v1.1 - 22/04/10 - .zip - .rar

Me - Everything in the actual game (except for texturing which is a general mishmash of textures from the Soharix texture library, all of which were made by either myself, blobby 101 and Joeeigel xD)
blobby 101 - The Soharix intro
Oh but thanks to Neuro Fuzzy for his help with opening doors from only 1 side, Serial Velocity for his help with colouring shaders and Diggsey for help with lighting the player's shader properly.

Extra info:
* Ingame don't press ` because this is the console command prompt key, if you want to see the triangle count and your FPS, press this button, type graph then press enter.
* I keep having to put "by someone" at the end of my WIP names as all my projects have names under 6 letters long

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Posted: 6th Apr 2010 00:51
Nice! Will give it a go.


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Posted: 7th Apr 2010 09:08 Edited at: 7th Apr 2010 09:23
is the area you start out in supposed to be pitch black? cuz i can hardly see anything in this game. just doors , the purple spiral effects and a few different textured whitish objects...? it seems wrong. like its not supposed to look the way it does. i also noticed that the sphere-ish egg shaped things floating out in 3d space change texture from wood to black to... idk ... the whitish textured objects that i see (kinda moon crater-ish). does anyone know whats going on with this?

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Blobby 101
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Posted: 7th Apr 2010 11:00
@MASTER OF PUPPETS: ah, I noticed this problem when attempting to play on my laptop. It happens when the graphics chip on your computer can't handle the shaders used for the bumpy, shiny effect (parallax mapping) - As this was only a small game we didn't put any options in for controlling the use of shaders, sorry

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Posted: 7th Apr 2010 17:13
Yeh, it occurs if either your graphics card is broken or doesn't support the pixel/vertex shaders Soup uses.

I can't suggest anything for the moment by I may add a low-spec option to the menu in a future version.

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Posted: 7th Apr 2010 18:35 Edited at: 7th Apr 2010 18:35


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Posted: 7th Apr 2010 18:53 Edited at: 7th Apr 2010 18:57
thanks for the explanation. so i need a better graphics card, gotcha. that doesnt much help me in the present tho... i wanna play this game! haha oh well
not to get off topic here but...lets say hypothetically that i had the money to go and get a new your opinion...what would be "the most bang for the buck"?...keeping budget strongly in mind

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Posted: 7th Apr 2010 20:58 Edited at: 7th Apr 2010 21:06
@ Diggsey
xD Skillz man, skills...

Well gee, I don't know, I use a nVidia Geforce 9800 GT - it seems to do the trick. But I'm sure there are better/worse cards or ATI cards that'll all run vertex/pixel shaders fine.

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Posted: 8th Apr 2010 03:26
the nVidia Geforce 9800 GT seems to use the "pci express" configuration (only 1 groove between the contacts) i currently have a radeon 9200 128mb (part number gv-r92128dh) if you "google image" it, you will see that it has 2 grooves between the contacts. i dont want to change motherboards, so i guess i need to find a good video card with that configuration that supports "vertex/pixel shaders"....anyone have any suggestions?

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Posted: 8th Apr 2010 03:44
I'd suggest taking it up on Geek Culture. You're more likely to get an answer from the folks there than on 1 of my PAs xD.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2010 13:12
found a bug

When you've finished the game you go back to the color pick screen, however if you pick a color the game crashes with a "camera already exists" error.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2010 16:55
Yeh someone already told me that one. It'll be fixed in v1.1 along with some others Soharix found.

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Posted: 11th Apr 2010 20:32
I'm stuck on the monorail puzzle.

... This one really has me stumped.

Great game so far, though!

Blobby 101
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Posted: 12th Apr 2010 12:18
Hint1 :

Hint2 :

Hint3 :

Please try it with just the first or second hints, the third is only if you really, completely can't do it.

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Posted: 12th Apr 2010 16:50
xD You spoil sport, you're not supposed to tell them the answers, the game's easy enough as it is. xD

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Posted: 12th Apr 2010 19:17
I really like this game! I'm looking forward to having a chance to play it right through now I'm back from my lovely holiday!!

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Posted: 19th Apr 2010 04:00 Edited at: 19th Apr 2010 04:01
Just to let people know, I am currently working on a patch to fix a few issues. As soon as I get done with these last 5 things, out of the list of 11 I made for myself, I'll be releasing v1.1.

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2010 19:48 Edited at: 23rd Apr 2010 00:36
Soup version 1.1 is currently available now.

It's a bug fix and slight content update addressing the following:
* There's now a fire in the fireplace of the second planetoid (and smoke that comes out of the chimneys).
* The monorail now makes a sound.
* You now can't look through locked doors anymore.
* You now can't get squashed by the lift to the 4th planetoid.
* Fixed the problem restarting the game with removing camera 1.
* Fixed the fullscreen/windowed icon in the top right of the start screen.
* Set the game to use desktop width and height when in fullscreen rather than grabbing the maximum resolution available.
* Made the Soharix logo link to the Soharix website in the bottom right of the start screen.
* Added lighting to the player and set it at the camera's position. (Special thanks to Diggsey for help with that.)
* Added Joeeigel to the credits because he was being a silly about it and did actually make like 2 or 3 of the textures.

Screenshot showing some of the new content:

Dr Tank
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2010 06:09
Nice! I like the special effect on the guy. Didn't realise there was a fullscreen option! It seems you are using fullscreen exclusive. Much better IMO to use fullscreen windowed. That way it doesn't crash if you hit the windows key.

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2010 19:33
Oh? - How is this achieved? (Are there any performance issues with fullscreen windowed over fullscreen exclusive?)

the angry programmer
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Posted: 28th Apr 2010 18:21
great game! how did you make all these cool maps, like the textures and the floorplan?

i WILL make pigs fly!
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Posted: 28th Apr 2010 18:29 Edited at: 28th Apr 2010 18:30
@ the angry programmer
By maps are you referring to the normal and heightmaps in Data\Texture data?

the angry programmer
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Posted: 2nd May 2010 22:31
yeah like the rocks. that you walk on and stuff

i WILL make pigs fly!
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Posted: 3rd May 2010 18:09
@ the angry programmer
The textures are usually generated or edited with Gimp and can even start out as something made in Paint.

Then the normal maps and height maps are used to make them 3D and bumpy looking ingame. The height maps are usually just a grey-scaled version of the original texture or if I know how I want the height to look I'll make that myself manually. Then the normal maps are made from the height map using a little program I found on the net that just loads a heightmap and outputs a normal map from it.

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Posted: 3rd May 2010 20:08
I like the graphics of this game, very trippy, which i like. =)
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Posted: 4th May 2010 10:58
Congrats on the mention in the newsletter @C0wbox!

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Posted: 4th May 2010 16:27
Thanx guys

J T Huges
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Posted: 4th May 2010 17:27
Thank you for the download, I will play and give you my feed back.
it looks very cool.

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Posted: 4th May 2010 22:39 Edited at: 4th May 2010 22:41
I'm stuck at the beginning. I read that Blobbly said that you might not see some things on a laptop. Is their something that is glowing or moving because I can't seem to find out what to do.
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Posted: 4th May 2010 22:59
@ Pandagamesorg
Well, I'm not really sure of the problem. - Are you stuck for what to do on a puzzle - or are things not displaying properly so you can't see the puzzle/game?

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Posted: 4th May 2010 23:01
I mean all i see are 3 white buttons, 1 red button and 2 doors (one locked). Nothing happens when i touch the buttons but one of the doors open up
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Posted: 4th May 2010 23:38
@ Pandagamesorg
Well I'm afraid everything's working, you just have to work out the puzzle and solve it.

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Posted: 4th May 2010 23:43
Ok i solved it
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Posted: 4th Jul 2010 16:56
Man Soup is soo trippy i love it! Its really inspiring to see games like these made with darkbasic, really gets me going and makes me feel like I can achieve something like this too. Thank you.
I found a bug (I think) - when i walked into the logs next to the fireplace, i got teleported into space, then fell down back to land at the start spot. This didnt happen again, though.
Ive also got a few suggestions for future versions: Youve probably heard this one before but when walking past posts, (in the symbol button puzzle bit) the camera zoomed in and out quickly, which was annoying. I know its even more annoying to fix this issue, but yeah just letting you know.
It would be cool if you could swap the direction the cablecar travels during the ride, as i accidentally walked back into it after the ride and had to wait it out again.
Lastly, I only realised that there was a fullscreen mode after i finished the game in that tiny window - it would be good if it were more visible, or if the word fullscreen was beneath it or something.

Once again, thank you for such a great game, my opinion on puzzle games is forever changed. I loved the challenge, and the sheer beauty of it.

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Posted: 4th Jul 2010 19:58 Edited at: 4th Jul 2010 19:59

I'm GLaD it has inspired you.

There are a number of collision issues regarding the engine I used in Soup (Sparky's Collision DLL) where you can get stuck in things and fall out the bottom of the map. - Due to this I made it so that if the player ever falls out the bottom of the map, he is teleported to the top of the map above the start location (this was originally done because the soup-dimension Soup is set in (the purple dimension) is vertically a hypersphere, with the top being the bottom and the bottom being the top, but I found it was just handy if people fell out the map. )

I probably won't be making any future versions of Soup, unless anyone finds a really silly bug. But I will bare in mind your suggestions for the proposed sequel we were thinking of making.

For the time being though, myself and the rest of Soharix are tied up in making World Off Road.

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Posted: 4th Jul 2010 20:17
hypersphere? nice - sounds like theres alot of storyline going on back there that we dont know about!
A Soup sequel would be awesome, youve definitely got a fan here.

PS: downloading world off road now, looks promising

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Posted: 4th Jul 2010 22:09 Edited at: 4th Jul 2010 22:10
Yeh, the Soup universe was thought up a good while before the game was made. And I went through about 3 different versions of the Soup universe's content as well.

The storyline would be divulged further in Souquel, but well, there are no plans to make it any time in the near future. (As much as I'd like to. xD)

Post any feedback on WOR to the WOR WIP, it needs a bump.

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Posted: 5th Jul 2010 10:39
XD 'souquel' - and yeah ill post there, as soon as i get it up and running.

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Posted: 5th Jul 2010 18:07
Great job C0wbox, can't wait for the 'souquel'!

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Posted: 5th Jul 2010 18:59 Edited at: 18th Jul 2011 04:27

You'll have to wait for World Off Road to come out first.


For those of you checking the Soup PA, long after the game was released, you are entitled to secret progress on Souquel which as of today was decided as being the next project Soharix embarks on after it finishes World Off Road.

I will be posting secret screenshots here and just re-editing this post so no one notices.

Here's an early version of Souquel for anyone still paying attention to my work. (v0.05)


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