Concerning the light, try
Color Light 0, RGB(128,128,128)
This will make the default light a mid-grey, and I think the default is pure white RGB(255,255,255).
For the camera - I don't understnad why you need to call "make Camera 1". DBPro already has a camera that you can control freely (Camera 0). Autocam On/Off simply repositions camera 0 so that you can see your entire object the second its loaded.
I think if you try this:
autocam off
REM Loop
set camera to follow objPlayer.xPos#, objPlayer.yPos#, objPlayer.zPos#, objPlayer.yAng#, 10, 5, 5, 1
the lag should disappear, since DBPro only has to worry about drawing one camera instead of two (i.e camera 0 instead of camera's 0 and 1).
If by "lag", though, you mean the camera is slow to reposition to the back of the object, try decreasing the "Smoothing" parameter from 5 to about 2 or 3.
Hope this helps!
"I wish I was a spaceman, the fastest guy alive. I'd fly you round the universe, in Fireball XL5..."