Thank you for the suggestions.
JTK, if you want to release it, I'm sure there will be people who would find it useful! What I'm doing doesn't require a joystick, but it would be nice.
What I wanted the joystick for was just to have a way to interact with what I'm making. It's not a game, just a tech demo, so speed isn't really of the essence.
I made a small AI demo, where the AI controls ships that can actively move in any direction at any time and can fire in any direction at any time. Obviously, the keyboard and mouse wouldn't allow me to "play" in this setup, but since I have a PS3 controller and it has 2 analog sticks, that would do nicely for moving AND firing in any direction on the fly. It's not pertinent for me to play with them, as they do just fine engaging each other, but it's something I considered and wanted to try out. DBP's joystick/control device commands would have sufficed, but without the commands it is missing, I'm not sure how to go about making it work.
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