yeah, as entemonophobiac says, dont load them... just send x,y,z data and some other stuff that your game might need, only the client needs the model.
Server: Send Data (npcid,x,y,z)
Server: Send Data rotations
client: try to recieve data (npcid,x,y,z)
client: try to recieve data rotations
client: dbPositionObject(npcid,x,y,z)
client: dbRotateObject(npcid,rotations)
this above is an example and is no real code. just something to represent things, you can also send an animation id or something...
this is the most basic of game networking. As you can see the server doesnt need any model loaded, and maybe for the server you dont even need darkgdk at all... just a simple console app.
hope it helps