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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / [DarkPHYS] Dynamic Objects and Raycasts

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Posted: 12th Apr 2010 14:16
I've been toying with raycasting and getting it to actually respond to any and all objects in a scene. But I can't get it to return data from collisions with dynamic objects.

Now, reading old posts here, I see that the raycasting commands have been allegedly broken since its release in 2005/2006. Have they still not been fixed?

If there's another solution to the raycasting, even one requiring (yet another) plugin, it would be much appreciated.
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Posted: 12th Apr 2010 16:54 Edited at: 12th Apr 2010 16:57
I've used Sparkys collision for raycasting and DarkPhysics for collision physics. I'm also planning on using Sparkys for the external camera collision. Its almost bullet proof and I had a working laser sight going in a very short time considering I'd never used Sparkys before. It barely uses any resources either.
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Posted: 12th Apr 2010 17:08
Sounds interesting. And I guess that would mean setting up an object's physics properties AND collision properties as it's loaded?
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Posted: 12th Apr 2010 17:54 Edited at: 12th Apr 2010 18:02
Yeah, and you'll have to update each object per loop as well as the initial setup command, but its easy. Though only dynamic/ moving objects need updating. The thing is you can have an object setup in DarkPhysics as a convex for collision/ physics but have it setup as mesh in Sparkys so the ray cast is polygon perfect. This makes my vehicle work perfectly enough for collision and when I shine the laser sight on the chassis the laser point and beam go into all the details.

I'd suggest looking at a few of the examples when experimenting at first.
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Posted: 13th Apr 2010 10:20
Wasn't that hard to implement, so I have it up and running now. Actually provided me with the right tools to add a few other features, as well, that I have been putting off for some time.

Great stuff. Funny that I already had it lying on my HDD.
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Posted: 14th Apr 2010 00:11
Hehe yeah i had downloaded it once or twice in the past but never used it before recently either. I mean when I first got DarkPhysics I assumed I wouldn't it...and in a perfect world shouldn't need it I've used the raycasting for numerous cool things and have many more ideas for it. Its damn useful
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Posted: 22nd May 2010 03:11
You think raycasting is useful? Correction: EXTREMELY useful! I actually HAVE to have it because of the way my FPS game works:

1. ray cast down from cam and record hit pos (x,y, and z)
2. if b3d get distance to camera(cam pos x,hit pos y+3,cam pos z)>3
position cam's y to cam pos - gravity# (about 0.5)
if b3d get distance to camera(cam pos x,hitpos y+3,cam pos z)<3
position cam to cam pos x,hit pos y+3,cam pos z

The above "code" should work in theory, but I don't have a raycaster (DarkPhys one don't work) what is Sparkys?


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