this is request for models, i need some platform models with different shapes, trinagles, piramyds, anything with many angles, hexagon and so on, circles.It`s because i want to make some small library for level editor i`m making, and i`m sick of using standart primitives.The thing is that i need something one idea more advanced than the build in primitives.Someone know where can find any?Someone willing to to make?
This is for the people who are actually willing to help and not to those that says only: "Get a 3Dmodel editor..."
If i had any skills in 3D i would make them myself.
I`m pretty sure if someone with good skills want to make my request it`ll do it for no time, because they are simple object.
Thank you!
Where there is a will, there is a way.
I often edit my posts, that`s who i am