i don't think anyone is gonna forget it ...
i did but then i have a short attention span and even shorter memory. sides just seemed like another newbie that for some reason everyone wanted to have a go at, give him a week alone with DB and he'd of realised he couldn't program put it down, disappear from the forums and life goes on.
instead somehow it turned into as big a thing for this community as "all you base" thing, which again is another thing that completely flew over my head tbh.
didn't see what the big deal was to any other poor japanese translation, didn't see how it was so amusing or why everyone happened to pick that game and infact that one particular line.
Sometimes people are really confusing about these things.
:: mumbles :: wasn't as if no other newbie had ever wanted everyone else to program thier game for them and give them exactly what they wanted with poor english and such.
but i guess atleast it got everyone off the subject of that Gamerz guy - i can't remember his name now, something like 3dgamerz or something silly like that. personally i found him infinately more amusing
especially when he tried to pass 3D Studio Max r3 off as his own DarkBASIC creation ... god now THAT was a classic post