ok, so I just looked at the snippet you posted, and I think I get most of it except for maybe the bala section at the end. Can you tell me if I'm interpreting the coode correctly?
if dispara=0
set object to object orientation bala,arma
if mouseclick() and dispara=0
show object bala
I think this is makeing the variable 'dispara' so that when it's equal to 0, the bullet stays hidden and orients itself so that its facing the same direction as the gun until you click the mouse. Then once the mouse is clicked, the bullet is shown and 'dispara' is now equal to 1. Is this right?
Then in the last part of the bala section:
if dispara=1
move object bala,la
if run>200
hide object bala
All I know is that it's saying that after you click the mouse, all this stuff happens, but what is it doing and how is it doing it? This part is where i get really confused.
Also, on a kind of different topic, at the top of the MAIN BUCLE thing it says 'gosub _controla_camara' and 'gosub bala', I understand what these do, but just out of curiosity, are these running simultaneously? Or is it going to the '_controla_camara' section, then going back to the top then going to the 'bala' section?