they might goto RGT but they're still here bitching about me, there's no point in it - they don't like me, they don't have to come here.
everyone else tends to bounce between the two, i don't because i quite frankly don't like RGT hands down... i didn't like it for a while before i even got banned - but at that time there was no alternative, it was RGT or nothing.
... ...
as for admiting i'm wrong, be a cold day in hell before i do that.
if thats what everyone is trying to get outta me then they can just stop trying now cause they'll have more chance getting blood from a stone.
it part of who i am, i wouldn't want to change it even if i could.
but then really most others are really the same.
if you think that i come off trying to be more important than i am then really that the problem of those who think that - because i just post ... hardly sit here and declare "i am the mayor of france and i demand attention"
even if i was sodding the mayor of france i'd hardly demand the attention. I hate attention, I hate all of this crap around me.
ya know it'd be one thing to just be know as the guy who talks crap, like Geri ... sure people attack him, but if he just stopped comming and posted only a little no one would care or remember him.
Over at RGT i'm still "el Vegeta"
you think i talk crap, then fine think it ... i don't care what you think, but no instead ya'll have to make a big deal about it as if somehow your proving someone big and important wrong.
Quite frankly i don't care if you think you've proven me wrong, all you've actually done is draw even more attention to me ... something that you guys don't like about me?
i don't want the attention, i don't like the attention - i quite frankly prefer to just be left alone.
But no this is all like some huge frickin' game to see who can prove me wrong the best ... quite frankly oftenly ya'll don't have a clue yourselves all your doing is looking on the net, finding the information yourselves and picking what information you'll need to prove youselves right.
you couldn't sit there and explain to me WHY its right, no you feel the point is made by simply showing me something which quite frankly a 2yo could find and display from the keywords and also be proven right.
that has nothing to do with me trying to feel more important, i couldn't care less how important or unimportant i am ... all i care about is that you guys actually UNDERSTAND what your doing.
which 9/10 is the case, all that posing and you can never come up with anything at all but facts and statistics.
so i don't bring anything out specifically for the community, you want to know why?
the last thing i bought out i believe was that messagebox plugin, the post specifically said "the plugins is just a quick 5minute thing there are better ones out there, can i have opinions on the accompanying help files though" ... what i actually got were several posts about all my posing and all i could bring out was a stupid messagebox plugin, and that was it.
The only person who ended up actually answering the question i asked was Sam when i asked him about it.
Explain to me why i should give anyone anything if all they want to do is sit there and critise?
Like the models i've scarely shown and not even for general crits, what did i get?
Oh yeah simple ripping one apart with the help of half of the community and the last one seemed to get this too even after saying in the last time this happened quite clearly - if the model isn't in the 3d section or saying i want crit, then i don't want it.
sorry but if my work doesn't feel good enough to me, then whats the point in releasing sod all to a forum full of people just willing to tear it all apart? seriously ... i'd rather have people sit there and go "ahh he's full of crap" than a forum full of a**holes sitting there tearing apart work that i've spend months of work on.
sorry but sod that, i'd rather keep them just within my mates and offline - atleast then i know thier comments are geniune, rather than bias by anything or trying to knit pick for the sake of it.
you give this same crap to TGC - the difference between them releasing things and me is no one pays me for it, this is my hobby not job.