Ok, so its not nearly finished yet, but I've been working on a music synthesizer in Dark basic pro, where you enter music in a .txt file, and get an 8-Bit style .Wav file.
I have the basic compiler working, and the music can be in sine wave or sawtooth wave. I have added simple harmonics, and you can have up to 6 notes playing at once.
I plan on finishing off the harmonics so you get varied instrument sounds rather than different tones, adding a few more features like tempo and pitch variables, and adding a proper interface, so it is easier to use.
It also has a glitch atm that causes the .wav file to become corrupt at the very end of the song. I know what is causing this error, but i haven't found out how to correct it as of yet. The music still plays, just stops just at the end with an error in windows media player.
I'll explain roughly how the music works, here's a sample:
B1 B2
E.1 G#2 000
1 4 3
The E and G part tells you what note it is, the # and . tells you if its sharp or not. The 1 and 2 tells you what octave it is (the octaves go 2,1,0,9,8 with 2 being the highest and 8 the lowest). The 1,4 and 3 on the line below is the length of the note, with 4 being one whole beat. 000 just means a rest, and the bit saying B1 just above is just a Rem line, where bar numbers can be put. the bit saying 'Music' is the name that's given to the .Wav file.
I have included a few examples, so have a play around and see what you think.
There is no such thing as "Too Fast!"