This is a demonstration of fisheye cameras using a dynamic cube mapping shader. Shader has many techniques for different fisheye variations: Stereographic, Area Preserving, Linear Angle, Cylindrical. Most have an exact and faster approximate version using series expansions instead of slow functions (sin, cos, sqrt) in pixel shader. Standard flat camera is also implemented for comparison.
Attached is project folder with .dba and .fx files in a .rar. Download is 7.19kB. I append the code for reference purposes. I have tried to clearly lay out and comment the code, but if you have questions, please ask.
.DBA code:
Rem Project: spherical camera using shader
Rem Created: 17/05/2010 00:08:12
Rem ***** Main Source File *****
`By Dr Tank aka Ed Filby. 20/05/10
`Demonstration of various fisheye cameras using a shader and dynamic cube map.
`use mouse to look around, move using the left/right mouse buttons, and zoom with the mouse wheel.
`hold spacebar to see test cylinder object. Note that coloured areas in background show the 6 camera views for the cube map
`press keys 1-9 to see different camera types:
`1) Flat. Standard camera view. Note that using this cubemap shader method for a flat camera is hugely inefficent,
`and the example is only included for comparison. FOV can approach 180 degrees. Note how for large Field of View (FOV)
`off centre spheres appear as ellipses on the screen, stretched radially.
`2) Intermediate. Uses variable shader that can act as flat camera (constant curve = 0), stereographic (constant curve =1)
`or anything between or beyond. Can be used for smooth transitions between these cameras. In this example, the intermediate
`camera provides a balance between the wide angle, angle preserving nature of the stereographic camera, with less curved
`lines. FOV can approach 360 degrees
`3) Stereographic. Preserves angles and circles. FOV can approach 360 degrees. Does not preserve solid angles (areas). If you
`look at a ball, and then turn away, the ball is still seen as a circle, but it changes size.
`4,5) Area Preserving. If you look at an object and rotate the view, the area of the object remains constant. However, the
`aspect of the object changes. Wikipedia states that many commercially available fisheye lenses are of this type. FOV can
`approach 360 degrees.
`4 is an exact implementation. 5 uses a series expansion to avoid square root function in the shader. It deviates
`from the exact solution for large FOV.
`6,7) Linear Angle. Angle from straight ahead, to an object scales linearly with distance from the centre of the screen
`to the position of the object on the screen. FOV can approach 360 degrees.
`6 is exact. 7 uses series expansion to avoid trig functions in the shader.
`8,9) Cylindrical. Maps the view onto a cylinder, and unfurls that cylinder. Up/down acts like flat camera : vertical
`FOV can approach 180. Horizontally, FOV is unlimited, although the view loops. Main downside of this cam is that it is not
`symmetric about the centre like the other cameras. If the camera can roll, it can be very disorientating.
`8 is an exact implementation. 9 uses a series expansion to avoid trig functions in the shader. It deviates obviously from
`the exact solution for large FOV.
`For small FOV (zoomed in), all these cameras look the same. I you wanted to make a game where you can zoom right in,
`you would not want to use a fixed cube map like this. I would recommend switching to an equivalent shader using a single
`camera view for small FOVs.
w=desktop width():h=desktop height()
`sync rate 50:w=800:h=600 `FOR YT VID CAPTURE
set display mode w,h,32,0
sync on:sync rate 0
autocam off
hide mouse
backdrop off
set normalization on `so scaled world objects (cubes used for pillars) have correct normals
`very cheap solution to different aspect ratios. the shader think screen is 16:9. don't think can send 2vectors to shader,
`so just use the following trick.
`Assuming square pixels, for standard widescreen 16:9 ratio, generates aspect ratio of 1 and sets up cam 0 to show
`object 1 filling the screen. Cuts off sides for 4:3 etc.
set camera aspect w/(1.7777777777*h)
set camera fov 90
make object plain 1,20,20
set object mask 1,1 `only render to cam 0
position object 1,0,0,10
for n=1 to 6
make camera n
set camera to image n,n,512,512
set camera range n,0.1,1000
set camera aspect n,1
next n
color backdrop 1,rgb(255,0,0)
color backdrop 2,rgb(0,255,0)
color backdrop 3,rgb(0,0,255)
color backdrop 4,rgb(255,255,0)
color backdrop 5,rgb(255,0,255)
color backdrop 6,rgb(0,255,255)
load effect "FX/final.fx",cube_eff,1
set effect technique cube_eff,"Spherical"
set object effect 1,cube_eff
set cube mapping on 1,5,6,3,4,1,2
`HUD IMAGES =======================================================
set text font "Verdana":set text size 15:set text to bold
ink rgb(255,255,50),0
create bitmap 1,256,256
`line 1,1,1,255
text 5,20,"MOUSE TO LOOK"
get image 20,0,0,256,256
ink rgb(50,255,255),0
delete bitmap 1:create bitmap 1,256,256:text 5,0,"1) FLAT CAMERA" :get image 21,0,0,256,256
delete bitmap 1:create bitmap 1,256,256:text 5,0,"2) STEREOGRAPHIC x0.5"
:text 5,20,"(HALF WAY BETWEEN"
:text 5,35,"FLAT AND STEREOGRAPHIC)" :get image 22,0,0,256,256
delete bitmap 1:create bitmap 1,256,256:text 5,0,"3) STEREOGRAPHIC"
:text 5,20,"(ANGLE, CIRCLE PRESERVING)" :get image 23,0,0,256,256
`delete bitmap 1:create bitmap 1,256,256:text 5,0,"4) STEREOGRAPHIC x2" :get image 24,0,0,256,256
delete bitmap 1:create bitmap 1,256,256:text 5,0,"6) AREA PRESERVING (EXACT)"
:text 5,20,"(EQUI SOLID ANGLE)" :get image 24,0,0,256,256
delete bitmap 1:create bitmap 1,256,256:text 5,0,"7) AREA PRESERVING (APPROX)"
:text 5,20,"(EQUI SOLID ANGLE)" :get image 25,0,0,256,256
delete bitmap 1:create bitmap 1,256,256:text 5,0,"8) LINEAR ANGLE (EXACT)" :get image 26,0,0,256,256
delete bitmap 1:create bitmap 1,256,256:text 5,0,"9) LINEAR ANGLE (APPROX)" :get image 27,0,0,256,256
delete bitmap 1:create bitmap 1,256,256:text 5,0,"4) CYLINDRICAL (EXACT)" :get image 28,0,0,256,256
delete bitmap 1:create bitmap 1,256,256:text 5,0,"5) CYLINDRICAL (APPROX)" :get image 29,0,0,256,256
delete bitmap 1
set current bitmap 0
make object plain textobj,8,8
position object textobj,4,-9,9.9
texture object textobj,20
set object mask textobj,1
set object light textobj,0
set object transparency textobj,1
clone object textobj2,textobj
position object textobj2,4,-11.5,9.9
texture object textobj2,23
set object mask textobj2,1
`SCENE ================================================
set directional light 0,1,-10,2
color light 0,rgb(300,300,300)
set ambient light 50
ink rgb(250,250,250),0
create bitmap 1,16,16
set current bitmap 1
line 0,0,15,0
box 5,5,10,10
line 0,0,0,15
get image 10,0,0,15,15
delete bitmap 1
`"ROOM" (big inverted cube)
make object cube 10,100
position object 10,50,50-1,50
scale object 10,-100,-100,-100
texture object 10,10
scale object texture 10,20,20
xrotate object 10,90
set object mask 10,126
`set object transparency 10,1
ghost object on 10
set object light 10,0
`"SKY", now room is transparent. means can see cube map sides - colours are camera backdrop colours
clone object 9,10
color object 9,rgb(100,100,0)
single_pixel_image(9,50,50,50,200) `not quite opaque- so can see cube map faces
set alpha mapping on 9,100
texture object 9,9
scale object 9,200,-200,200
set object light 9,0
ghost object off 9
set object mask 9,126 `with clones, seems mask data not copied
for n=11 to 60
if rnd(1)
make object cube n,4
h=1+(int(x+z)^1.2) mod 10 `random random function. means dependent on x,z, so if 2 in 1 square, no z-fighting because
`same height!
scale object n,100,100*h,100
`make object sphere n,4
make object sphere n,4,15,30
texture object n,10
position object n,5*x+2.5,1,5*z+2.5
`set object mask n,2 `allow only to be seen by cam 1
set object mask n,126
next n
`make a dummy object to move around as camera
make object cube camobj,1
exclude object on camobj
position object camobj,50,20,50
`test cylinder around camera
make object cylinder testobj,10
scale object testobj,100,314,100
disable object zdepth testobj
set object cull testobj,0
set object mask testobj,126
`color object testobj,rgb(255,0,0)
texture object testobj,10
scale object texture testobj,20,20
`set object wireframe testobj,1
set object light testobj,0
ghost object on testobj
`set current bitmap 0 `doesn't work for writing text to screen. perhaps need to look into using different render targets
timenow as dword
timelast as dword
timediff as dword
`Start loop
rotate object camobj,180.0-mx#,-my#,0.0
move object camobj, ((((mc&&1)<<1)-(mc&&2))*0.01 +0.1*(leftkey()-rightkey()))*timediff
camheight#=object position y(camobj)
if camheight#<1.0 then camheight#=1.0
cx#=object position x(camobj)
cz#=object position z(camobj)
position object camobj,cx#,camheight#,cz#
for n=1 to 6
position camera n,cx#,camheight#,cz#
set camera to object orientation n, camobj
set camera aspect n,1
set camera fov n,90
next n
turn camera left 5,-90
turn camera left 6,90
pitch camera up 4,-90
pitch camera up 3,90
turn camera left 2,180
`test cylinder around cam
if spacekey() then show object testobj else hide object testobj
position object testobj,cx#,camheight#,cz#
if keystate(2) `1= flat
set effect technique 1,"Flat"
`set effect technique 1,"Variable":set effect constant float cube_eff,"curve",0.0
if keystate(3) `2= intermediate between flat and spherical
set effect technique 1,"Variable"
set effect constant float cube_eff,"curve",0.5
if keystate(4) `3= spherical
set effect technique 1,"Spherical"
`set effect technique 1,"Variable":set effect constant float cube_eff,"curve",1.0
if keystate(5) `4
set effect technique 1,"EArea"
if keystate(6) `5
set effect technique 1,"EAreaB"
if keystate(7) `6
set effect technique 1,"Linear"
if keystate(8) `7
set effect technique 1,"LinearB"
if keystate(9) `8
set effect technique 1,"Cyl"
if keystate(10) `9
set effect technique 1,"CylB"
for n=2 to 10
if keystate(n)
texture object textobj2,19+n
next n
set effect constant float cube_eff,"Wide",camwide#
sync mask 126:fastsync `cams 1 to 6 = 2^7 -2
sync mask 1:sync `render cam0, viewing spherical camera shader object
function single_pixel_image(imagenum,red,green,blue,alpha)
make memblock temp_memblocknum,16
write memblock dword temp_memblocknum,0,1
write memblock dword temp_memblocknum,4,1
write memblock dword temp_memblocknum,8,32
write memblock dword temp_memblocknum,12,rgba(red,green,blue,alpha)
make image from memblock imagenum,1
delete memblock temp_memblocknum
`RGBA function by Aaron Miller
function rgba(r,g,b,a)
c = (a and 0xff) << 24 or ((r and 0xff) << 16) or ((g and 0xff) << 8) or (b and 0xff)
endfunction c
.FX (FX/final.fx) code:
// The following lines are variables which are recognised and passed by the
// application and often referred to as "untweaks".
matrix wvp : WorldViewProjection;
float4 lightColour = {0.5, 0.0, 1.5, 1.0}; // {red, green, blue, alpha}
float Wide =4.0f;
float curve =1.0f; //allow smooth transition from flat, to spherical and beyond
// The following lines are variables which can be set by the application
// (these are usually variables which the user may want to adjust from
// their program).
//float2 uvaspect = {1.6667, 1.0}; //uv on square- scale to get real world.
//scale from real world back onto world cam- here fov is important- make as set in dbp
float2 uvaspect = {1.777777, 1.0};
// The following lines define structures that are used as input and output
// to the vertex and pixel shader functions.
struct VSInput {
float4 Pos : Position;
float2 UV : TEXCOORD0;
struct VSOutput {
float4 Pos : Position;
float2 UV : TEXCOORD0;
// The pixel shader does not need an input structure for this example.
struct PSOutput { float4 Col : Color; };
//texture stuff
texture bumpTexture < string ResourceName = ""; > ; //need to have dummy tex, but now am specifying register for the other, i needn't
//sample from it, or even declare a sampler!
//the actual texture we want to use:
texture cubeTexture
< string ResourceName = "";
string Type = "CUBE";
samplerCUBE cubeSample:register(s1) = sampler_state { texture = <cubeTexture>; };
// The vertex shader code:
VSOutput VShader (VSInput In, VSOutput Out)
{ // Transforms the objects model coordinates to
// screen space coordinates
Out.Pos = mul(In.Pos, wvp); //for sphr cam, obj is fixed relative to cam, so can avoid this step.
//(may matter if using large mesh)
Out.UV = Wide*uvaspect*(In.UV - 0.5); //change 0-1 to -0.5 to +0.5. could just scroll texture in DBP if want to lose this step
//Wide: bigger value= wider angle.
//now change so that UV co-ord represents "y" on paper calculations - scaling here is pretty unimportant - it
//sets fov of final camera. ratio is important as sets fov.
return Out;
// The pixel shader code:
PSOutput PShader (VSOutput In,PSOutput Out)
float2 UV2=In.UV;
//float rsq=UV2.x*UV2.x + UV2.y*UV2.y;
//float z=0.5*(1-rsq);
float z = 0.5*(1-(UV2.x*UV2.x + UV2.y*UV2.y));
float3 cubeuvw=z;
Out.Col = 1.5*texCUBE(cubeSample, cubeuvw); //brighten scene also!
//; //test
return Out;
PSOutput PShaderFlat (VSOutput In,PSOutput Out)
float2 UV2=In.UV;
float3 cubeuvw=0.5f;
Out.Col = 1.5*texCUBE(cubeSample, cubeuvw); //brighten scene also!
//; //test
return Out;
PSOutput PShaderVar (VSOutput In,PSOutput Out)
float2 UV2=In.UV;
float z = 0.5*(1-curve*(UV2.x*UV2.x + UV2.y*UV2.y));
float3 cubeuvw=z;
Out.Col = 1.5*texCUBE(cubeSample, cubeuvw); //brighten scene also!
return Out;
PSOutput PShaderEArea (VSOutput In,PSOutput Out)
float2 UV2=In.UV;
float rsq=UV2.x*UV2.x + UV2.y*UV2.y;
float z = 0.5-rsq;
float3 cubeuvw=z;
Out.Col = 1.5*texCUBE(cubeSample, cubeuvw); //brighten scene also!
return Out;
PSOutput PShaderEAreaB (VSOutput In,PSOutput Out)
float2 UV2=In.UV;
float rsq=UV2.x*UV2.x + UV2.y*UV2.y;
float z = 0.5-rsq;
float3 cubeuvw=z;
Out.Col = 1.5*texCUBE(cubeSample, cubeuvw); //brighten scene also!
return Out;
PSOutput PShaderLin (VSOutput In,PSOutput Out)
float2 UV2=2*In.UV; //can lose this part by changing UVs sent by VShader. This is here so different PShaders are consistent.
float r=length(UV2);
float z = r*cos(r);
float3 cubeuvw=z;
Out.Col = 1.5*texCUBE(cubeSample, cubeuvw); //brighten scene also!
return Out;
PSOutput PShaderLinB (VSOutput In,PSOutput Out)
//possible method to make this faster: use series expansion instead of sin and cos.
// will have r^2 term, then square to get r^4 etc.
//for sinr / r -> even powers
// cosr ->even powers.
// can get squared length instead of length. no need for trig calls.
float2 UV2=2*In.UV; //can lose this part by changing UVs sent by VShader. This is here so different PShaders are consistent.
float rsq=UV2.x*UV2.x + UV2.y*UV2.y;
float r4=rsq*rsq;
//float z = cos(r);
float z=1-0.5*rsq+0.041667*r4;
float3 cubeuvw=z;
cubeuvw.xy=UV2*(1-0.16667*rsq+0.008333*r4); //not sure how shader works this out. best to calc factor then multiply each vector component by it.
Out.Col = 1.5*texCUBE(cubeSample, cubeuvw); //brighten scene also!
return Out;
PSOutput PShaderCyl (VSOutput In,PSOutput Out)
float2 UV2=2*In.UV;
float z = cos(UV2.x);
float3 cubeuvw=z;
Out.Col = 1.5*texCUBE(cubeSample, cubeuvw); //brighten scene also!
return Out;
PSOutput PShaderCylB (VSOutput In,PSOutput Out)
float2 UV2=2*In.UV;
float x2=UV2.x*UV2.x;
float x4=x2*x2;
float z = 1-0.5*x2+0.041667*x4; //cos expansion
float3 cubeuvw=z;
cubeuvw.x=UV2.x*(1-0.16667*x2+0.008333*x4); //sin expansion
Out.Col = 1.5*texCUBE(cubeSample, cubeuvw); //brighten scene also!
return Out;
// The following lines just put this together as a single technique
// with a single pass.
technique Spherical
{ pass p1
{ VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VShader();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PShader();
technique Flat
{ pass p1
{ VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VShader();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PShaderFlat();
technique Variable
{ pass p1
{ VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VShader();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PShaderVar();
technique EArea
{ pass p1
{ VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VShader();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PShaderEArea();
technique EAreaB
{ pass p1
{ VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VShader();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PShaderEAreaB();
technique Linear
{ pass p1
{ VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VShader();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PShaderLin();
technique LinearB
{ pass p1
{ VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VShader();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PShaderLinB();
technique Cyl
{ pass p1
{ VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VShader();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PShaderCyl();
technique CylB
{ pass p1
{ VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VShader();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PShaderCylB();