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The 20 Line Challenge / [DBP] 20-Line Space RTS Game

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Posted: 20th May 2010 22:37 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2010 19:19
[DBP] 20-Line Space RTS Game

* Here is the link to the fully functional, graphically beautiful updated version *
Space Conflict

i have no name for this game, and i had to take out a lot of functionality
(like actually having to be in range of something to SEE it,
or being able to pick which race you are,
or being able to select multiple units )
BUT, it's a fully working Space Real Time Strategy Game
written in DBPro


There are 2 versions of the 20-line game,
Beginner cuts enemy pop growth and economy in half,
while Expert gives them every advantage you have (but nothing extra)

see further down for a fully functional but non-20-line version

i think the expert version is unbeatable (flaw),
but what can you do with 20 lines?

Beginner game:

Expert Version:

screenshot is included...


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Posted: 21st May 2010 03:29
This is pretty cool!

A good game designer can make all the diff-erence in the world mister freeman
Neuro Fuzzy
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Posted: 22nd May 2010 18:27

Except... the inability to select multiple units... or to be able to like, set them to chase or something takes like 70% of the play value away :\

I was playing on expert, got a really big fleet, and then the enemy with like 10 corvettes came over, and because I could barely move my fleet around, they went from planet to planet blowing everything up

Dark Dragon
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Posted: 23rd May 2010 18:41
U Should definatly finish as a full game.........AMAZING!!!!

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Posted: 24th May 2010 01:15 Edited at: 24th May 2010 05:50
hey,yeah,don't worry.
a full game is coming (but with the same ascii graphics)
thanks for trying it.
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Posted: 24th May 2010 02:45
You should definatly do this, it is very good. If you should ever need any help, i'm willing to. I'm a big fan of RTS games............And this is really cool. Way to go!

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Posted: 24th May 2010 03:40
reminds me of Pax Imperia.. DOS game
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Posted: 24th May 2010 05:49 Edited at: 24th May 2010 06:15
ok, this is about as polished as i get:
about 1000 lines (a 20-liner is really 500 lines squished up)

new rules/abilities:

here is the dbp code:

or check the DL link for a zipped exe.

thanks everyone,
and i might take suggestions,
but whether i ever do anything...well... i get into things...


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The Zoq2
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Posted: 25th May 2010 17:02
You shuld make it 3d

Srry about my english im from sweeden
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Posted: 25th May 2010 17:17
Hey! Are you back in space rts / 4x games ? Remind me something...
Very nice and addictive little game, well done Bob!
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Posted: 26th May 2010 00:18
hi my old friend! maybe... i still love 4x of course, but it takes so much time. i now have a 11 month old daughter, so time is a premium... i bet you know

what are you working on?
Dark Dragon
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Posted: 27th May 2010 04:32
Quote: "You shuld make it 3d"

Why....? It's perfectly fine in 2d...

Oh and dude, I there are no enimies when I play your exe......?

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Posted: 28th May 2010 01:14
Very nice it can become something great.

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Posted: 28th May 2010 03:56
@The Zoq2 :
how 3D? i could easily replace ships and planets with objects,
and probably give it a zoom & rotate camera function,
but i HATE moving ships in 3D (like worrying about Y dimension in space... it always seems tedious to me)

@Dark Dragon :
Quote: "Why....? It's perfectly fine in 2d... "

thanks man!

i'm considering it though... i have some ship models and planet textures around...

...checking for 'no enemies in .exe ...
The Zoq2
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Posted: 28th May 2010 16:14
It's fun as it is, but it would be cool in 3d.

Srry about my english im from sweeden
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Posted: 28th May 2010 20:50 Edited at: 28th May 2010 20:50
Quote: "i now have a 11 month old daughter, so time is a premium... i bet you know "

Yep, I know , I have two of these models ...

Quote: "what are you working on?"

I'm working on a roguelike, but it's still in pen & paper phase! (I'm playing a lot of roguelikes actually, Linley's dungeon crawl is my favorite)

Quote: "You shuld make it 3d"

@Ibol:Well, I'd rather see some basic research (upgrades to ships damage, population grow, ships speeds, etc...), and see how you'll handle AI with these new features (as I know you're good at it.). (I'm trying to get you back to Starlord )
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Posted: 1st Jun 2010 02:12 Edited at: 9th Jun 2010 17:32
I thought it would be easy to just throw some 3D models in there,
but it's just not working... 2d and 3d coords just don't match up.

i'll either have to totally rewrite it, or leave it as is...


maybe i'll use some 2D images of ships and planets...

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Posted: 11th Jun 2010 05:09 Edited at: 12th Jun 2010 18:59
I really like the ascii graphics, if you do add graphics I'd recommend only basic generated ones so that this stays a copy and paste game.

I had to do a bit of work before I could play it as I'm a DBC user but it was worth it, nice game. You can tell this started life as a 20 liner, no subroutines!

Here's my edited version for DBC users...
[This is the original version, my next post I have a version where I've added to it]

Do you mind if I tinker with the code?

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Posted: 11th Jun 2010 17:40 Edited at: 12th Jun 2010 19:11
I've given it a major overhaul...
* Everything has been taken out of the main loop and put into subroutines. There's still a few that I have just dumped but I've gone through most of it and tidied things up.
* Rewrote the selection procedure so now box selection and picking work with the left mouse button.
* Groups remain selected after orders given.
* Ships spread out depending on how many there are in the group.
* Race and planet names are randomly generated.
* Game speed is now adjusted with +/- keys.

One game I got the race "Human" lol


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Posted: 12th Jun 2010 12:23 Edited at: 12th Jun 2010 18:57
I've updated my version.
Great game IBOL, I've learned a lot from it already and I'm only just starting to look at the AI.

Jedi came up as a race

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Posted: 12th Jun 2010 19:32 Edited at: 12th Jun 2010 19:46
hey, bro, didn't know you were working on this

my blessings !

i will check this out now if i can.

some nice additions.
i keep trying to use my old control scheme,
but it's still cool how you've randomized the names.

have you made any changes to actual mechanics?
combat, economy, pop growth, etc. ?

for all you DBP people, i have re-pro'd the code. here it is:

hey hey! ho ho! 1100110!
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Posted: 13th Jun 2010 22:33
wow, man , i looked thru this and you made a lot of good changes.
you really cleaned up the flow.
you must have spent a lot of time, it's nice.
i'm going to make a few of these changes to my own.

keep it up!

hey hey! ho ho! 1100110!
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Posted: 14th Jun 2010 03:11 Edited at: 14th Jun 2010 03:14
Thanks, I hadn't coded for a while so I really got into it.
My computer is really slow so now I'm trying to find ways to keep the FPS respectable when lots of ships are built.

A problem I noticed about the AI is when you destroy one of their planets they continue to try to defend it. I don't if that's because of something I changed or not.

* New subroutine checks if the current selection is still valid (i.e. if you can still see enemy ships you've selected etc)
* Stars are drawn to an off-screen bitmap before the main loop and copied to screen each cycle. Allows for more a complex background while actually gaining a few FPS.

* Multiple enemies: maybe have all four races competing against each other? I haven't gotten the gist of the AI yet so if you are still working on it that would be a cool thing to add.
* Display game time.
* Store and display number of kills by each ship. Taking it further ships could have a rank (private, lieutenant) associated with the ship's kills.
* Option to build planetary defences.
* Low-res generated graphics. I've made some that I might use but it's not a priority. I mainly want to do this so I could write the images to a memblock which would increase FPS for my old machine lol.

I quite like the battleship but it is a strange style, I wanted to make it look like it had guns coming out of everywhere.

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Posted: 14th Jun 2010 14:46 Edited at: 14th Jun 2010 17:52
hey, glad to hear from you,

i ~have~ been messing around with this program,
and something i changed tripled the framerate...
but i don't know what it was.
(i think it might have been all the INK commands,
so if you develop ships as images,
it might clear up if you take out the INK'ing)

those ships are great!

i also started rearranging my code, to clean up the main loop.
i made my own planet naming functions.
i made my own 'dispersal' functions, based on sin/cos.

about the AI problem,
it's not something you did. it's ai(7)
it counts 500 sync's from when you last attacked a planet,
while it should count in a float dec'd by gs#.
- it should also have a "if planet.own<>you then forget_it" thing

i woke up today thinking of planetary defenses.
built just like ships, but with no movement.
maybe like between cruiser & battleship but half the costs?

i was also thinking of the 'ship experience words' (private,leiutenant, etc) but hadn't started on it.

PGR = Population Growth Rate.

sh#(t,15) was never implemented... i can't even remember what it was for...

it's really too bad we are working in 2 different languages

we'll both keep it up though!

hey hey! ho ho! 1100110!
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Posted: 24th Jun 2010 17:05 Edited at: 24th Jun 2010 17:10
soon there will be an updated version of this game.
i have written my own planet naming functions,
and made some other changes like obese87 said.
but there won't be any planetary defenses...

hey hey! ho ho! 1100110!
Dark Dragon
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Posted: 24th Jun 2010 22:41
WoW, This is coming along nicely.......

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Posted: 2nd Jul 2010 03:08 Edited at: 2nd Jul 2010 03:09
ok, here's some teaser images.
here is a look at the planet details/ship building screen.

hey hey! ho ho! 1100110!
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2010 03:11 Edited at: 2nd Jul 2010 03:12
and here's a detail of a battleship with at least 10 kills:

hey hey! ho ho! 1100110!
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Posted: 8th Jul 2010 12:09
You are great!

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2010 02:35 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2010 19:20
* Here is the link to the fully functional, graphically beautiful updated version *
Space Conflict

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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 00:03
Wow those graphics look nice. I've had some problems with my PC and need to buy a new copy of Windows, I'm now on Linux so I can't test or work on the game. Hope I'll be back soon and can add more to your cool project.

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Posted: 19th Aug 2010 06:20
OBese87 ,
you have converted me to the church of the FSM.
thank you!

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Posted: 12th Oct 2010 00:10
Amazing little game. I played the easy for awhile may try the harder version later.
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Posted: 12th Oct 2010 10:57 Edited at: 12th Oct 2010 10:58
Quote: "you have converted me to the church of the FSM.
thank you!"

Haha you're welcome.
I'm not on Windows any more so unfortunately I can't contribute anything else to your amazing game. I enjoyed playing around with it, it is a fun and interesting game.
Have you gotten rid of the random names?

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Posted: 8th Nov 2010 21:27
the planets have random names, but i never really liked your 'random race names' idea for this game.
i'm attached to them as i created them.

are you still doing dark noob then? probably not?

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Posted: 8th Nov 2010 22:12
Ah okay then. You could sell this as an app, I bet lots of people would buy it.
Yes I am still doing Dark Noobs but it is difficult doing it "blind-folded". It's quite comforting to see that I know DB well enough now to write stuff without testing, but I have made a few embarrassing mistakes.
Well, it's good fault finding practice for the team I guess .

I am downloading space conflict as we speak, not sure if it will work as I'm on linux but here goes nothing.

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Posted: 8th Nov 2010 22:53
Okay I installed Wine to run the game but it is having trouble loading the music. It looks promising though seeing as it is actually executing lines of the program. I don't know if this is something I can fix as I've literally just installed Wine and have no idea how it works.
Would it be possible for you to upload a version without the music for me to try?

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Posted: 9th Nov 2010 03:47
of course man. i'll get that tonight

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Posted: 9th Nov 2010 19:44 Edited at: 9th Nov 2010 19:48
(or today)

here it is with no music.
(this is just the .exe , you'll still have to use the media wherever you have it on your machine)

if you want,
i'll also do one without sound)


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Posted: 9th Nov 2010 22:31 Edited at: 9th Nov 2010 22:33
Thanks. Wine seems to be unable to read MIDI files at all.
The good news is it works! The bad news is that it runs at 1fps on my machine
I'm not sure if this is an issue with Wine because I remember my rig was having trouble keeping up with the game before there were any graphics.

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Posted: 13th Nov 2010 22:54 Edited at: 26th Nov 2010 05:23
oh well,we tried.

link to further design ideas along this line:
Space Conquest

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