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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / Dark AI (make static obstacle) type command?

A beagle
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Posted: 4th Jun 2010 08:32
well I've been working on a FPS, and there is a section of the map that is like a maze, and enemies located in various spots in the maze. I want to know if there is a way to have the entities avoid all the various walls, without having to make a bunch of obstacles.

All help will be apreciated
thank you

A beagle

eat the pixelated shotgun
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Posted: 4th Jun 2010 12:24
Not use this command yet, but from reading whats there it may be the one to use.


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Posted: 4th Jun 2010 22:50
make sure to also have "AI Complete Obstacles" after the add objects so your ai wont walk through it lol took me a few to figure that out


GreenDixy Productions http://GreenDixy.Com
A beagle
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Posted: 4th Jun 2010 23:04
Ah ok thank you very much i will try this.

eat the pixelated shotgun
A beagle
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Posted: 12th Jun 2010 02:01
Well I looked at the command, and i'm not sure i completely understand it. Is it possible for someone to post an example code using the AI ADD OBSTACLE FROM LEVEL command?

eat the pixelated shotgun
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Posted: 12th Jun 2010 04:15 Edited at: 12th Jun 2010 04:15
Quote: "Well I looked at the command, and i'm not sure i completely understand it. Is it possible for someone to post an example code using the AI ADD OBSTACLE FROM LEVEL command?"

Yah, its hard to understand this command . But for the plane height input, ex:

If you set the plane height to 10, it will make a thin plain that intersects your entire level, detecting which ones are walls or open space. ex:

I don't really understand what the other two inputs do, but I just set them to a low value like 10, then use the obstacle debug commands to further adjust them.

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Posted: 16th Jun 2010 02:34
ai add obstacle from level objnum,planeheight,minlength,minheight

objnum is the object you want to check for collisions.
planeheight is where it will check for collisions, imagine a plane cutting through your level at that height and anything it collides with will be added.
minlength/minheight is the size of what it collides have to be to be added as a collision?

A beagle
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Posted: 16th Jun 2010 07:12
thank you bergice, this totally makes scense now. my AI's are working properly now.

a beagle

eat the pixelated shotgun

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