I am currently doing game about War in Croatia (1991 - 1995). This story is very, very interesting but there is no game with this theme. So I decided to make game about that. I have FPS Creator X10 and Model Pack 36 and I think that I will be over with it very fast. I have laptop with Dual Core Athlon (2.1 Ghz), 3 Gb RAM and GeForce 9400M, and a PC with Triple Core Athlon II (3.2 Ghz), Radeon HD 4770 and 2 GB RAM.
I want to know if there is a way to make options menu, even with most basic possibilites. And is better to use big maps, or more little maps?
Game will have good soundtrack, and it will have about 25 levels or more. Is there any advanced tutorial or manual?
Sorry for bad English.
New Gamemaker