These commands will make the program do a complete loop until stopped - since a game is just a looping program, this is perfect.
randomize - this will initialize the random number generator.
timer() - this will return(replace itself in the code) a number, generated based on a bunch of system variables, and is perfect for seeding a random generator with.
rnd(number) - will return a number between 0 and the parameter(in this case, "number".
variable AS <type> - worry about INTEGER(whole numbers) and STRING(text) for now.
variable = <whatever> - assigns the value <whatever> to the variable. Read the tut, it'll explain them in greater detail.
print "text" - prints text to the screen.
input variable - waits for the user to enter data from the keyboard, until they hit enter, then saves it in "string". if you use a number variable, such as integer, it'll only accept those numbers, ignoring letters.
if (variable <test> value)
conditional statements work by executing then <code> inside them if the (test) comes true. if (answer = 1) will check if the variable called answer has data that equals 1.
You can put that into a simple number guessing game. Try before peeking!
`define variables
randomize timer() `seed the generator
`these lines set up the game - do it before you go into the game proper, or it'll re-set up all the time
`get a random number between 0 and 9, add one to make it between 1 and 10
number = rnd(9) + 1
do ` enter game loop
print "Guess the number: "
input answer
if (answer = number)
print "Correct!"
print "Play again(y/n)?"
input again
if (again = "n" OR again = "N")
exit ` quits the loop, effectively ending game
else `assume any other answer was y, set up a new game
number = rnd(9) + 1
else `If the answer is not = number...
print "Wrong."
Now go through the tutorials linked, and see if you can change the guessing number game to include a "Too low" and "too high" hint system, then I'd suggest utilizing arrays, mouse input and a box command to make a very simple memory game. The hard part will be figuring which card was clicked, which is covered by the menu tutorial - you'll simply have to figure out how to use it all.
The hard part is your first game, once you break down the barrier and figure out the logic behind it, each game comes easier, and then you can just build upwards.
For instance, once you understand pong, you can make break out, which can be easily translated into space invaders, which can be turned into a 2d shooter, and a little more can turn that into a 2d platformer..
As a hint, if you get a random number between 0 and your card array size, you can set a for loop to run from randomNum to randomNum - 1, but make sure you have an if check at the end of a loop so if you're at the array limit, you can set it back to 0. Some what like:
dim testArray(10)
startNum = rnd(array count(testArray)
for x = startNum to startNum - 1
<code goes here>
if x = array count(testArray)
x = 0
next x
Assuming I've got the syntax right, it'll loop from the random number, to the end, then back to the start and up to the number just before the start point. This will make more sense once you've done the tutorials and understand loops and arrays, so don't worry too much right now, but you can still probably read that well enough that you knew what it was doing.
Good luck!