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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [ANNOUNCEMENT] [X9] The Dig (Work in Progress Example Thread)

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Posted: 27th Jun 2010 06:22 Edited at: 28th Jun 2010 16:56
The Dig

Developer: KeithC

Storyline: Reports are in that the Nazis have found themselves an "artifact" of some sort, at a dig site in a compound in their Southern Command. Headquarters has deemed this "artifact" to be of extreme value to the cause, and are therefore sending us to recover it...before the Nazis can get their hands on it. Our Team is to slip in and out, "undetected" and untraceable. Oh yeah; and we leave at dawn.

Description: A game of stealth; using cunning and problem-solving skills, rather than the more "direct" approach. Sneak into a Nazi Compound and recover a mysterious "artifact", that is reported to be the key that could turn the tide against the Allies.



Senior Moderator
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Joined: 27th Oct 2005
Location: Michigan
Posted: 27th Jun 2010 06:25
This is an example Work in Progress Thread, that shows the minimum way a thread should be laid out in this section. Please note that the Title could be substituted for a "title graphic".


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