when I compile and execute the 3d box part of the tutorial I get just a black background. If I move the window I get a gradiant box in the upper left corner, but that's it. I didn't just copy and paste it, so it may be a PEBKAC error.
sync rate 120
sync on
black AS DWORD
green AS DWORD
yellow AS DWORD
magenta AS DWORD
white AS DWORD
black = rgb(0,0,0)
red = rgb(255,0,0)
green = rgb(0,255,0)
blue = rgb(0,0,255)
yellow = rgb(255,255,0)
magenta = rgb(255,0,255)
white = rgb(255,255,255)
cyan = rgb(0,255,255)
cls 0
' Front
box 0,0,256,256,black,green,red,yellow
get image 1,0,0,256,256
' Back
box 0,0,256,256,magenta,white,blue,cyan
get image 2,0,0,256,256
' Left
box 0,0,256,256,blue,cyan,black,green
get image 3,0,0,256,256
' Right
box 0,0,256,256,red,yellow,magenta,white
get image 4,0,0,256,256
' Top
box 0,0,256,256,green,cyan,yellow,white
get image 5,0,0,256,256
' Bottom
box 0,0,256,256,black,blue,red,magenta
get image 6,0,0,256,256
' Background
box 0,0,256,256,blue,black,blue,white
get image 7,0,0,256,256
autocam off
make object sphere 1,2
color object 1,white
make object box 100,22,22,0.25
make mesh from object 1,100
delete object 100
add limb 1,1,1
offset limb 1,1,0,0,-10
texture limb 1,1,1
add limb 1,2,1
offset limb 1,2,0,0,10
texture limb 1,2,2
add limb 1,3,1
offset limb 1,3,10,0,0
rotate limb 1,3,0,90,0
texture limb 1,3,3
add limb 1,4,1
offset limb 1,4,-10,0,0
rotate limb 1,4,0,90,0
texture limb 1,4,4
add limb 1,5,1
offset limb 1,5,0,-10,0
rotate limb 1,5,90,0,0
texture limb 1,5,5
add limb 1,6,1
offset limb 1,6,0,10,0
rotate limb 1,6,90,0,0
texture limb 1,6,6
position camera 0,0,-40
make object plain 10,120,120
texture object 10,7
position object 10,0,0,20
set ambient light 50
control camera using arrowkeys 0,0.25,0.25
rotate object 1, wrapvalue(w#-sin(w#)),w#,wrapvalue(w#+sin(w#))
inc w#, 0.5
if w# > 360 then w#=0