Not bad as a game, and a nice little console app as well. The problem I had was that the word could have been
anything a lot of time when really you want to give the player some sort of support by having a random theme or something for each play. The so called Easy mode was often hard because something like -AT could have so many potential letters. At least if there was a category like "Animals" that narrows the range of possible answers - and in turn you could remove the number of lives the player has. Shouldn't be too hard to do if you liked the idea because I imagine the game gets its words from a list of some sort for each difficulty... so the same could be done for categories. Hangman with proper nouns like TV shows and characters is just as fun if not more so than normal nouns.
Also, if you did move into DarkGDK a hangman model or sprite growing with each wrong guess would be cool, instead of just the 'number of lives remaining' you have atm.
Quote: "Also, are you really sure the origins of Hangman are american?
(I looked on Wikipedia and it looks more like Oxford to me (which is in the UK))
Could be wrong though. "
I think you misread that article. It says that a book published in Oxford based on a number of (presumably worldwide) word games stated that the origins of Hangman are obscure. It could have originated anytime and anyplace where hanging occurred as a method execution, although Victorian Times is guessed at somewhere on the page. I can see the confusion as it says the "Oxford guide to ..." but lots of stuff have Cambridge or Oxford Press stamped on it, and doesn't mean it is Oxford centric.