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Program Announcements / Mega Fruits Slot Machine Emulator

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Posted: 10th Jul 2010 13:53 Edited at: 11th Jul 2010 08:46
Hi all,

This a game I made for the Intel Appup store a while back but the guys at Dark Basic didn't like it so I stopped working on it.

It's virtualy finished, apart from a few sound effects and I did want to add more mini games to main feature.

I've decided to share it with the GC community.

It's fully functional and playable, you will find the download in my next post.

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Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 10th Jul 2010 22:43
i get runtime error 3002 - could not load sound at line 14

Virtual Nomad @ California, USA
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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 03:43
So do I.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 07:03 Edited at: 11th Jul 2010 08:37
Hi Everyone,

You will find the download of this game attached to this message.

If you are new to UK type slots then read a few messages down for more detailed instructions.

When you have played the game please come back and post here what you think of the game.

If I get enough positive feedback then I am willing to carry on updating the game and iron out any issues you may have with it.

I hope you enjoy it.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 07:12 Edited at: 11th Jul 2010 08:40
By the way, it runs on Windows XP Direct X 9.0c

I don't know about Windows Vista as that runs Direct X10

You will need a good PC to run this at any decent speed.

My PC is Pentium4 Dual core 3.2, 2 Gig RAM and average video card.

I would recommend closing all running programs and antivirus to avoid slow down, the game is graphicaly demanding.

Have fun!

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Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 08:06 Edited at: 11th Jul 2010 08:28
ok, the 2nd download works fine. you could have deleted the original upload and replaced it with the 2nd one. no need to delete the post.

now, to the game: there are tons of slot machines games out there and while yours appears to have some unique aspects that will set it apart from some of the others, you need to explain them better. the instructions contain the controls and nothing else. sometimes i can hold reels, sometimes i can't (and, you can't "un-hold", like i expect to be able to). what is the trailhead about? i see it progressing, but...? the exchange? i figured gamble out easily enough but it's a basic click timer vs a (double or nothing?) gamble that i was able to win every time. what is the safe about on the left? i assume it has something to do with the money banked via gamble? and nudging doesn't appear to do anything? i'm sure if you added some brief but thorough documentation, anyone who sits down to play your game could enjoy it a lot more, a lot sooner.

while the graphics are clean and the overall presentation is nice, one thing that bugs me in slot machines is how long you have to wait for the reels to stop. yours is no exception. ie, there are a few seconds of boredom each round that could be avoided by speeding things up (or, atleast have the option to). when it comes to slots, i'm a big fan of the "wheels" racing by in a blur; it's part of the nostalgia, for me alas, is this a symptom of the "decent speed" computer requirement mentioned? we need to close all programs to run a slot machine that most cell phones could run? maybe you need to explore some optimization options?

lots of potential "quick fun", here. if you could address the items mentioned above, i'd look forward to sitting in front of the your Mega Fruits machine

thanks for sharing!

add: slots = bells and whistles, to me. it's one of the things that makes me smile when i go to a casino. hearing all the Bing! Bing! Bing! and Clack! Clack! Clack! makes me wanna crack my knuckles and find my first victim (which then turns to "er... did i really lose that much, that fast?". heh.) anyway, more sound effects, please?

add, again!: i went in to look at your sound effects. did you record some of these on a microphone? i'm impressed but, i think i hear a dog barking in the exchange effect, et al. heh. the real reason i went and looked at the sounds is they have a lotta dead air/silence before and after the sounds played which doesn't let them synchronize with what's going on in the game. is this something you'll fix? if not, i'll prolly go in and cut/trim some of them myself

Virtual Nomad @ California, USA
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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 08:30 Edited at: 11th Jul 2010 08:51
Dear Virtual Nomad,

I found the way to delete the origional download, thanks for pointing it out, I'm quite new to the forums.

To answer your questions:

You can only hold the reels when the hold buttons flash, you can cancel the holds if you make a mistake by pressing the cancel button, the collect button changes into the cancel button when you get a hold.

The trail holds randomly, if the trail advances past number 8 you get cash wins which you can gamble or exchange for nudges, the nudges can then be exchanged for features. If the trail lands on 4 then you get various types of bonuses.

If you get 3 stars in view then you go to the safe (Goldrush Feature) which has 2 mini games inside it to play. The safe door will slide open to reveal the game. I was going to add a further 5 mini games but I got no good feedback from Rick V at the G.C. So I stopped working on it.

When you get nudges, you can gamble all the way up to unlimited (after 18 nudges) or you can collect. The hold buttons turn into nudge buttons, you can only nudge reels down, simply click on one of the nudge buttons to advance that reel.

If you are able to gamble without losing then the game is running too slow on your PC. I could make the gamble more irratic to compensate for this. Also this would explain why the reels take so long to stop. On my PC they all stop in about 1 second.

I would need help from other programmers to sort out optimization issues as I'm only an amature with DB.

I did record the sound effects on a microphone, as I said before, I haven't finished the sounds, maybe I will if people really want me to.

I was also going to make the machine do a light show before you play it, there is so much more I can do to this game but it's time consuming and my time is so precious at the moment, it's my busy time of year.

Kind regards,


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Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 08:51
well, that explains a lot. thanks for the prompt, precise response

Quote: "You can only hold the reels when the hold buttons flash"

but what causes the buttons to flash?

now, do you have any idea as to what part(s) of your code might be causing the slowdown? in cases like this, it's usually best to post your code, but that's entirely up to you.

and, when you edit a message posted in the forums here, at the bottom, below the message body and just above the big edit message button, look for:

"Attachment: click here to delete the currently attached file"

Virtual Nomad @ California, USA
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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 08:59
You get holds randomly, not every go, same with trail held, they don't always hold or you will get too many wins.

Are you sure you want the code? It's 1000's of lines long and would take you a long time to read through it all, although I have coded it neatly.

I need to go to bed, if you want the code I will post it tomorrow.

It's 7 a.m. here, way past my bed time.

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Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 19:31
Quote: "Are you sure you want the code? It's 1000's of lines long "

Quote: "there is so much more I can do to this game "

just the parts you suspect are causing the slowdown? again, it's up to you. lots of times, people finish projects and just want to move on or take a break. you've got a working game here and that's a victory unto itself. congratz for that!

Virtual Nomad @ California, USA
AMD Phenom™ X4 9750 Quad-Core @ 2.4 GHz . 8 GB PC2-6400 RAM
ATI Radeon HD 3650 @ 512 MB . Vista Home Premium 64 Bit
Daniel TGC
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Posted: 25th Aug 2010 13:42
This is exactly the sort of game that would do well for the Intel AppUp competition, have you considered entering it! We've not had many enterants yet, so you're in with a good chance! for more information, you could win a $5000 holiday, $1000 cash prize or a new netbook.
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Posted: 25th Aug 2010 14:24
I never knew about the competition, do you honestly think it's good enough?

Can I enter it to see if they like it and update it? Because I still have a lot of work to do on it.

The game is written in 100% Dark Basic.

Thanks for the info,


No good deed goes unpunished!

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