Posted: 21st Jul 2010 08:34
Hello everyone, I have rather an unusual question.
I'm using Barnski's winsock library 1.2.1 for a project of mine, which is developed in Leadwerks Engine 2. It is sold by TGC, but doesn't really have it's own dedicated board here, so most people here probably have no clue as to who I am.
But back to the point. After trying (and failing miserably) to incorporate winsock into my project, I remembered from my DBP days, that there was a plugin here that I swore by for networking. Indeed it was also translated over to C++ as a static lib. Instantly, I've got my networking, well .. working (poor joke there).
But now I want to contact the author regarding usage restrictions. They are included, but I just want to know them in a bit more detail, especially if I decide to stick a (small) £5 on it (I'm also after trying out the release version too, rather than the debug version, if he will allow it).
I have sent an email off to the address listed on his DB Pro plugin's website (which, for the sake of spam-harvester bots, I am not going to list - a human should know where I am meaning). But after 8 days I still have absolutely no response from him.
Also after looking through posts here, I can't seem to find any sign of activity from him on these boards for at least a year. So I am fearing that he may have abandoned the email address he listed, possibly due to spam. But that leaves me with no way of contacting him. (However, there are over a million posts to potentially search, so there is every chance that the info I am after, is here on these boards, and that I've just not found it.)
So I guess my real question is, does anyone here know of any other way of contacting him?
Or if someone does happen to know his current active address, is there any way they could inform that I'm trying to contact him via his publically listed address (The latter option is better in the fight against spam, but relies on the unlikely chance that someone knows him personally)
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.