Well as u read this i'll probably be gone.....
from the digital world that is. Cause now with no computer, no internet and expecially no more making games i am getting tired of geting kicked out of my school libary for going on the DB forums (wich is considered "playing games" here) so ill be gone for a long time. The reason i have no pc is cause, well its dead. I had an old p2 but it passed away
*blows nose*
so i gathered up all the money i could and gave it a nice upgrade to a p4. Bought the parts and everything. This one store though, a very cruel and hatefull store, sold me a defective motherboard. We even got it proffesionaly installed at the local computer service store place but thats wat they said, the it was manufactured that way. So I go back to the first store to return it saying its defective and everything (even showed the paper the computer service store gave me saying it is) and all they say is its not their problem. I mean wat the hell sort of customer service is that?? They just tell us to send it back to the manufacturer if we want cause we aint getting no refund, repair or a new one from them a$$holes. Ok so we sent it and its gone be 3-4 weeks or so till we even hear from them(the manufacturer) so now I dont have a new computer OR an old one. Nothing. Starnded. I know to some ppl this is stupid i mean I cant live for a month without a pc? But its torture considering all the new plans i had with the new pc ,DBP FINALLY! website, flash, 3DS max, Lightwave, Texture maker and a TON of other new programs i already got just lieing here on my desk collecting dust that i cant even use. Now all thats left to do is sit and wait a few months till something happens cause I wont be getting another penny for a long time. Ill still be on the forums maybe once a week when i get the chance o use a friends pc or something.
Any hoo, see u guys.
p.s my new pc wuz supposed to be a
Pentium4 2.5 Ghz
256 RAM
128 MB ATI Radeon 9200 video card
53x cd drive
80 GB hadrdrive
now all those parts are also lieing scattered in my room gathering dust, I spent 900$ on all this stupid shi* and now i dont even have no pc. This sucks.
My site is delyaed for the 250th time!
If life is just one big joke...
then I must have missed the punchline.