Quote: "I only have one minor critisism which is that the enemy bullet speed was massively inconsistant which (if done on purpose) does not make sense."
It seems ok on my system, but I'm using a timer based system to control movement smoothly, this could well be the issue. I'll have to give it a go on a couple of other machines. Is it just the bullet speed or does the game appear jerky?
Quote: "What did you use to make the installer BTW?"
I can't remember off the top of my head and not on my normal machine. I think it's called Advanced Installer.
Quote: "Has some slowdown in places"
Again, I think the timer needs tweaking, but I am working on that.
Quote: "The graphics would improve a lot if you changed the background image"
I agree, it's temporary.
Quote: "Also installers grind my gears"
Are you a fan of Family Guy by any chance? A personal choice, I find that many people prefer them but I understand some don't.
If anyone else has any comments more are always welcome.