Actually I did get it working, I used dbPhyMakeRigidBodyDynamicBox, this solved my problem, I should have remembered becuase I have seen this before where something in the mesh causes the mesh body to fail, I had a similar issue with using static terrain, instead I used a static mesh and everything was wonderful...
Thanks for the help..
I have included the changed code, also does anyone know the exact reason why box will work but mesh will not, just out of curiosity?
void RActor::spawnCartridge()
// get active loadout slot..
RLoadout *slot = getActiveLoadout();
// get weapon allocated to slot
RWeapon *weap = getActiveLoadout()->getWeapon();
// create new ejected cartride based on weapon definition
RCartridge* tempcart = new RCartridge(weap->getCartridge());
RVec3 limbpos;
// load cartridge array with new class for object expiration mamanger
cartridge[tempcart->getID()] = tempcart;
// position cartridge based on FPSC limb configuration
limbpos.X = dbLimbPositionX(slot->getHudModel(),slot->getHudbrasslimb()+5);
limbpos.Y = dbLimbPositionY(slot->getHudModel(),slot->getHudbrasslimb());
limbpos.Z = dbLimbPositionZ(slot->getHudModel(),slot->getHudbrasslimb());
// rotate based on gun pivot object
// introduce random rotation
// set scale to correct size
// add dark physics control to object
// set body mass
// show the ejected brass
// add ejecting force to cartridge
} else {
// if unable to create cartridge instance free heap...
delete tempcart;