Hi guys,
Sorry if this is a newbie question (which it probably is, since I'm new to both C++ and the GDK!), but I'm making my own version of a pokemon game.
I wanted to make it so each time you clicked "run" in battle, and random number would be retrieved, and then depending on the number, you would either succeed or not.
However, I was looking at a few other threads and following their advice, and the only thing they suggested, according to them, would make it so each time the program is run it would determine a new random number.
So I'm asking how would you make it so each time you click "run" a different number is rolled each time, not some pre-deteremined number that it makes it so you succeed every time or fail every time during that play session.
I'm currently putting this in with my declarations and stuff "dbRandomize(dbTimer);", and then later setting a variable equal to "dbRND".
What should I do?
P.S. Sorry for the lengthy post...
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Perhaps, I theoretically might possibly have potential to hypothetically maybe have the chance to attempt something.