You have to walk before you run mate
, you have to first understand, you cant just 'make it shoot'.
What are you trying to do, Make a movie? A Game?
Well if your making a game, there is a lot more you need to do before worrying about making your gun shoot.
If your making a movie, you have to rig, ( put bones on your objects ), rigging is like, a puppeters handle and strings, it lets you manipulate objects with thousands of vertices with the simple rotation or movement of a bone.
Once you have rigged it, then comes the animation, and your pretty much free to do whatever you want from there.
But most people that are on this forum make their models for in-game use.
But like i said before, you cant just open up a compiler and say
it accomplishes nothing.
You need to establish a player object+camera and movement for each (locked to each other)
Then you can start working on making your gun shoot.
do you have dark basic pro?
heheh, the funny thing is, is that once you realize all you have to *program, you still arent done,, you have to UVMAP and Texture your gun. Its hard i know, but you will be satisfied when you get even the basics down. Start off by running others code (if youre programming) thats how alot of people start (pretty sure most). Then you get to play around with it and screw it up to see how stuff works.
Once you get the basics down, you soon learn you can whip something of value up in a short matter of time.
Keep posting ,me, and many others will be glad to help you