I think we're being tested by a Mod or something, you know to see how well we deal with that knawing instinct to flame. Im good for now.
Though really, listen, you'll last alot longer here.
The paypal donate thing aswell, no just no its a bad sign from the start and a terribly noobish/desperate act. Nobody will see you as a professional artist. You need to improve your work greatly for it to sell. No-one will pay for work from you if you have no past work up to see what there getting. That and you pay no attention to whats happing in the forum. A thread called
!!!Load the database!!! was recently posted where people could ask freely of every artist on here to make a certain model. Of course its not mandatory and nobody has to do it but theres still a good chance of it happening.
Just pay more attention before everyone just gives up the pleasentaries.