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Program Announcements / Mandelbrot Zoomer - DBP

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2010 23:25 Edited at: 3rd Sep 2010 23:40
Hi everyone!

I recently got into fractals, and I just whipped up a small mandelbrot zoomer in 300 lines of code


-image settings
-iteration settings
-image saving


Use the mouse to drag and select an area to zoom in to. The box you drag turns green when reached a certain size, and will only render if the box is green. If you want to cancel the selection you are selecting, simply make the box small enough until it turns red, and then let go of the mouse.


->After every calculation, the render will be saved to an image file "factal.png" in the dimensions specified in the start menu.

->The higher you set the iteration limit, the more detailed your fractal will turn out, but the more processing is required.

->The higher you set the resolution, the more detailed your fractal will turn out, but the more processing is required.

->Images larger than 640x480 will be displayed as 640x480, but will be saved as the dimensions you set it to.

->Please post the time it takes to render at the settings you set

->If anyone is bothered to render a 40960x30720 with 10000 iterations, be my guest! It will require 4.68 GB of RAM though...



Mandelbrot Zoomer v1.02 - Increased rendering speed
Mandelbrot Zoomer v1.01 - Color decoding bug fixed
Mandelbrot Zoomer v1.00



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Posted: 3rd Sep 2010 00:37

Did you ever see my 20 line version I posted way back in 2002?

I see you have same problem after zooming in a number of times where everything goes blocky because of DBPro's lack of accuracy with large number of decimal places.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2010 00:48
Hah, I don't really like fractals (probably because I see no use in them) but I understand them and this sounds kinda awesome. !

(Does it use the menu plugin? )

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2010 08:34
Quote: "Did you ever see my 20 line version I posted way back in 2002?"

Wow, that's a long time ago (I joined in 2007), so no, I sort of missed that How did you get it to render that fast? I used memblocks and everything to optimize the process, but yours still seems to be faster...

I also note that the image distorts when you zoom in, but that's a minor problem

Quote: "I see you have same problem after zooming in a number of times where everything goes blocky because of DBPro's lack of accuracy with large number of decimal places."

Yeah, that's been bugging me... And I even used double floats...

Quote: "Hah, I don't really like fractals (probably because I see no use in them) but I understand them and this sounds kinda awesome. !"


Quote: "Does it use the menu plugin?"

Haha, I considered using it, but I decided not to in the end


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Joined: 3rd Jul 2003
Posted: 4th Sep 2010 23:06
I made a program in DBP a few years ago for viewing Mandlebrot + picking out Julia fractals afterwards. I've lost the source code and compiled program now, but here are some of the resulting pictures:

This one had a bit of touching up in an image editor afterwards:

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