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Program Announcements / Jegas Game Classes v3.0 - Goes Open Source!

jason p sage
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Posted: 4th Sep 2010 20:30 Edited at: 4th Sep 2010 20:31

The JGC Library is a collection of integrated C++ object oriented classes that can assist you in making 2D and 3D games. Its designed to work with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Free Edition (Or Enterprise with some changes to your project's compiler and linker settings), The Game Creators' DarkGDK Game Engine, The Game Creators' Dark Physics Product (optional), and the freely available "Sparky's DLL" (optional but recommended).

Jegas LLC - Announcement:

Jegas LLC - Product Page:

Previous Game Creators Forum Program Announcements so you know what I'm talking about:

3.0 -

3.1 -

Version 1.0 was Featured in the TGC Newsletter:


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jason p sage
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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 00:35
Updated Google Project Link on and here it is in case you couldn't find the release:

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Posted: 8th Sep 2010 14:23
Hey Jason, looks really cool. I have a question though: does your library use any kind of inheritance hierarchy and take advantage of polymorphism? If so, do you have a diagram of it? Also, does it have any built in scene graph management?


"everyone forgets a semi-colon sometimes." - Phaelax
jason p sage
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Posted: 8th Sep 2010 17:47
Hi Zotoaster...

Thanx for the kind words!

JGC has got some inheritance and some polymorph'ing but its really not that thick in that regard so I never mapped it out in a diagram. I purposely tried to make each kind of DarkGDK thing really it's own mini class..

There isn't a scene graph either however if you look at the way the system is put together and how many of the demos show object counts etc. It wouldn't be hard to implement because the JGC does track all that stuff pretty good. Like counts of things etc - at least in the factory bits - but it's also designed to allow flipping between DarkGDK native and JGC things easily so folks aren't fettered / hand cuffed in any way trying to create.


david w
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Posted: 15th Sep 2010 23:23
I'm glad you went open source with this project. Thats all I have to say.
jason p sage
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Posted: 16th Sep 2010 00:20
My pleasure!

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