There is no name for the project as of yet, any suggestions welcome. It is a very basic generic shmup. This is my first effort at the genre and I realise there is a lot missing that I now would like to add. These will be implemented when I write a new engine.
All the gameplay mechanics and levels have been implemented. Currently there are very basic graphics (simple shapes and no background) and sounds as placeholders. I haven't found anyone to do the graphics yet.
Download: (2.3mb)
I programmed this on quite a low spec machine so I am expecting the fps (shown in top right) to nearly always be above 60. Can people let me know if this is true.
Z: shoot (hold down to continuously fire) and use menu options.
X: use shield
Cursor keys to move
R: restart from last checkpoint when you have died
Powerups: Collect the green powers with your ship to improve it
S: Increase speed
F: Increase firerate
X: Increase shields
L: Increase lasers
M: Increase missile lasers
You will die if the core (the yellow circle at the centre of your ship) of your ship is hit by a laser or if your whole ship collides with an enemy ship. You have 5 lives. If you die press R to restart from the last checkpoint. (This will be removed for an automatic system as requested in feedback from elsewhere)
The yellow bar at the bottom represents your shield level. When you activate the shield with X the shield level decreases. Once it is zero the shield is deactivated. The shield level decreases with time and bullets absorbed.
While playing if you could comment on the difficulty (currently only normal available) and fps that would be great. Any other feedback is still very much welcomed.
There are a few features I plan on adding before release, but a lot of things I realise later would be good will be missed out until I rewrite the engine for further games such as chain scoring etc.
Planned features to be added:
Gamepad control
Online high scores
Hard difficulty
I'm currently struggling to find a graphic artist for the project, so if anyone is interest in doing some work it would be very appreciatd.