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Work in Progress / A little tile editor for a game I have in progress

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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 03:53
as the title suggests this is a little tile editor for a game i have in progress. I am posting it here so hopefully some of you can help me test the heck out of this thing to draw out any bugs. I know there are a few. no matter how obvious they are... if you guys could post your findings and a way to replicate it that would be great.

here is a screenie for starters, hope you like it....

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.


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Sixty Squares
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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 03:54
Looks interesting! I'm curious as to what the game is like, with those numbers/letters and all

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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 03:56
here is the program...

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.


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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 10:30
Lumberjack 3000!

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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 15:56 Edited at: 7th Sep 2010 15:57
I am not familiar with lumberjack.

I was thinking more along the lines of a chess meets Final Fantasy Tactics. There is an online game that I played a while back that was an "ISO" turn based game kind of like this but it had great character graphics and just gray tiles. It was also 2D similar to the view in Starcraft.

I have absolutely zero multiplayer experience but I might try to implement something like that.

I would like to eventually update the editor with menus and highly refined code, but i really need to uncover and exterminate any bugs from the current system so I dont have a buggy system that i visually polish up and pretend is a gem.

I would be extremely grateful if you guys could screw around with this and TRY to get it to fail somehow. Just remember "Your damned editor crashes" is not much help, so explanations would also be well received. Thanks for looking

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.
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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 16:04
Another screen shot...

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.


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Posted: 8th Sep 2010 01:27
hey M.O.P. i messed around with this for a while yesterday. it works well for what little it does. i didn't get any errors or crashes looks good and solid. keep up the good work

i'm using a gateway, windows XP service pack 3, dual core amd 64 processer with 2 gigs of ram just in case you need to know

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Posted: 8th Sep 2010 03:22 Edited at: 8th Sep 2010 14:00
cool thanks.

"for what little it does" OUCH! (hence the W.I.P. thread)

(EDIT) I found a bug...If you place a tile, place an object, then change tile height, the object does not update.

ex. if you place "GRASS" AT HEIGHT "3" then place a tree on it, change that tile to "GRASS" AT HEIGHT "5" or "1" the tree stays put but the tile successfully changes

that should be a simple fix, currently the editor does not update objects in the main loop, just on creation.

Will fix soon.

(EDIT) bug fixed. It isn't that big of a deal but if you want the updated version here it is.

(EDIT) I have now made it so that placement of trees or stones is not possible on water. If you have a tree or stone placed on a grass tile and you change the tile to water, the tree or stone will now automatically be deleted.

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.


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Posted: 9th Sep 2010 18:03
Reminds me of Charlie Blast's Territory, an old N64 game I had. That was cartoony and tile based.

I'd love to see things from your point of view but I can't get my head that far up my bum.
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Posted: 9th Sep 2010 18:39 Edited at: 10th Sep 2010 12:50
I looked up Charlie Blast's Territory. I can see what you mean. I dont have cacti as an item to place ... but maybe I could ...
I actually intend to expand on this quite a bit but as it stands my job gets in the way of my programming and modeling .. dammit!.. if only I got payed to do this stuff I would be set... or fired

I have created something worth sharing...
(Well at least I think so)
I am very proud of this mostly because prior to this I actually used to (pixel by pixel) create buttons in 8x zoom in MSPaint.

It basically creates images (for use as button sprites later) out of lines, a box, and text. The image saves to whatever directory the .exe happens to be in, and the images are in .PNG format, but I am posting this in snippet form so you all can mess around with it.

This is going to be extremely useful in creating buttons for the GUI i am planning on implementing into this program. Here it is folks...

Screen shot attached

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.


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Posted: 12th Sep 2010 07:52 Edited at: 12th Sep 2010 18:17

nobody seems interested in this anymore

but for anybody that decides that they still are...

I have drastically upgraded the camera functionality.

Instead of the "clunky" camera before, there is now a 3rd person type orbiting camera complete with zoom and everything. I am very happy with how it turned out.

Here is the most up to date download...

I have decided to re-write this due to the fact that I intend to add quite a bit more to it, and the changes I intend to make require some of my "literal" coding to be "variable" and the program is not as flexible as I want it to be. Please stand by for updates...

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.


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Posted: 12th Sep 2010 18:28
hey M.O.P i didn't mean anything by "what little it does" this is a cool editor. i can see that you put a lot of work into it and you are expanding it. hence the W.I.P. i'll be keeping an eye on this

(SORRY, the catholic guilt kicked in and i had to appologize)

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Posted: 13th Sep 2010 02:54

I appreciate that. I was not super offended. I just didn't like the wording. I have put a lot of work into this. Reading the rest of the post made me feel better "looks good and solid" and "keep up the good work". Now it is my turn to apologize. I did not intend to make you feel guilty.

I appreciate your comments and interest in this project. I look forward to showing more off really soon.

I have created a few new tile types:

If you have any suggestions for objects or tiles let me know.
The Idea is themes...

Forest type - Grass, Water, Mud, Stone, Tree
Frozen type - Snow, Ice, Snowy Tree, Snow Man
Desert type - Sand, Small Shrub, Cactus
Near town - Brick path, Brick Wall, Bridge

None of these are set in stone and , therefore ; they are subject to change at anytime.

I think for anybody wanting to make suggestions I should really elaborate on the "game" side of this.

Basically, like I said above, think FINAL FANTASY TACTICS meets CHESS meets Diablo 2(necromancer with several raised skeletons) meets Zelda 2(the adventure of link).

The tile editor board is not the whole game in one view. You will have a mainland map (much bigger) and In that mainland there will be locations, the maps will range from 5x5 all the way up to possibly 50x50.

You will travel from location to location doing quests or following the storyline. There will be towns and dungeons. It may be semi-turn based.

To further aid in suggestions here are a few game dynamics details....

If your player is on a tile of a height of 3, the player cannot jump to a neighboring tile of 5. (one tile height increase at a time)
Your player cannot stand on objects, just tiles excluding water.
Your player can(usually) move unrooted objects such as stones or giant snowballs.
Your player can only move the unrooted objects if they are on the same tile height as the object. You cannot move to a tile lower or higher than your current level if there is a stone on it.
Your player can acquire in game items to clear items like trees or stones, but again will have to be at the same elevation.

...any comments , suggestions , questions?
please say so, I love this idea and want you all to also.

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.
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Posted: 13th Sep 2010 06:14
Sorry for the double....

Just came across something weird...

open up a new db file and run this...

do you get the "reserved word" error too?

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.
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Posted: 15th Sep 2010 01:37 Edited at: 15th Sep 2010 01:41
Quote: "do you get the "reserved word" error too?"

i do.

from the help file:
Quote: "Beware that using constant names that match reserved words like PRINT and WAIT will cause your program to change radically and should be avoided.

i never use #CONSTANT (tho i might, now, since it touts a performance boost, (per the help file)) so never came across this. fact is, you'll get the same error with all "reserved words". and, yes, "water" is a reserved word under force water effect. bottom line is the help file should be updated to reflect that you can't use reserved words vs recommending that we don't.

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Posted: 15th Sep 2010 23:32 Edited at: 15th Sep 2010 23:39

"force WATER effect"

that makes sense now....sadly it does not change the outcome. Oh well, doing stuff like "#CONSTANT WATER_" works too. Just ever so slight changes work wonders some times.

...and i think everybody would agree with you when you mention upgrading and help files in the same sentence.

I wonder if the help files were made to be as vague as possible on purpose to weed out the "dabblers" vs the "serious coders". Just kidding ... but really ... ...

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.
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Posted: 16th Sep 2010 22:39
you could do cave tiles with stalagmites (or stalagtights ?) and maybe urban tiles like streets, sidewalks, grungy back alleys.

also, will you be releasing this editor for everyone to use or is it just for your game?

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Posted: 17th Sep 2010 16:25 Edited at: 17th Sep 2010 17:38
I intend to release it WITH the game similar to "Campaign Editor" for Starcraft or the skate park editor in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2+.

I like the cave idea, but the tiles cannot be in the air so "stalactites" are out of the questions. I like the "stalagmites" tho, I may use that, Thank You!

I would like the "Urban Tiles" thing too. Unfortunately, the time line for the accompanying game is more mid-evil era "go figure".

I plan on making combat more realistic, in the sense that there won't be magic or anything like that(this may change later in development, but its unlikely).

I feel that it is best to have your units specialize in real world weapons. So basically there will be:

Archers : (projectile - fast attack speed - weak attack damage)

Swordsmen : (melee - medium speed attacks - medium attack damage)

Axemen : (melee - slow attack speed -strong attack damage)

Leader(King) : (melee - fast attack speed - medium attack damage)
(If the leader dies, you lose the battle)


If you guys have any suggestions on "classes"(like the ones just stated) let me know. Try to keep things somewhat realistic if you would.

Note 1: I am not sure but this game may start leaning towards battles of a more epic scale so horses and such are out. I need things to be N64ish graphically so that computer capability is less of an issue later on.

Note 2: The physical look of the characters that are going into this game are one day going to be sort of a recurring theme, I hope to make them look cartoonish but not so much that you cannot tell what race or species they are. So you understand I will attach a photo in a separate post soon...


Believe that I intend to finish the editor and the game, as it stands I am actually working on a very versatile G.U.I system.(I bought BlueGUI a few years back but due to compatibility issues that I have heard of, I am resorting to using native DRAWING commands to achieve this). It won't be nearly as powerful as BlueGUI, but I will keep pushing on until it meets my needs now and anytime in the future.

I went ahead and attached a screen shot. Keep in mind that It is just a test situation. I will go ahead and keep you guys updated on the progress of this too as it does pertain to the "little tile editor for a game I have in progress"

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.


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Posted: 17th Sep 2010 18:27
The editor works well and I like the graphics. I will be very interested in the game play when it gets done.
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Posted: 19th Sep 2010 14:42 Edited at: 19th Sep 2010 15:20
I am very glad you like it. I am also glad you are interested, thank you.

Just so you guys know,
I am not just twiddling my thumbs over here. The GUI system is coming along reasonably well, but the whole thing is not just a simple "just make it work for this project" cut, paste, and tweak thing.

I am making a very functional and adaptable GUI system that I will be able to use on anything in the future. Here is a sample function that will only display a panel with optional text(with the necessary types arrays and globals in place).

I know you cannot do much with it but i wanted to show off the complexity of this code so people who understand it thoroughly can see how universal i am actually making this.

I am kind of making it like an object oriented system but with native 2d drawing commands. I have functions like...






So yeah...
F.Y.I. - I may release the source to this so that you guys could put all this hard work to good use when I am done.
I hope you like what I am doing over here.

really quick(because i said i would) i made a very rough little concept guy in 3d. 2 screen shots total

if somebody could explain to me how to get multiple screen shots in my post itself, without having to use the view button, that would be great. Ive seen it done but dont know how.

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.


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Posted: 19th Sep 2010 15:21
...and the second screeny...

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.


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Posted: 19th Sep 2010 17:01 Edited at: 19th Sep 2010 17:05
The little guy is lovely!

To post multiple pictures, you first have to upload them somewhere on a file hosting site and then include the image link into the post. If you right-click on images in other threads and display the picture properties, you can see they are hosted somewhere else.

I have seen some posts which contain images hosted on the TGC site, I suppose they were created by first posting the image as an attachment, (or using the file uploader applet), then copying the link which appears in the status bar when you hover over the download button. But then you still have to attach each picture to a separate post and the image appears only when the viewer is logged in.
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Posted: 19th Sep 2010 18:24 Edited at: 19th Sep 2010 18:29
hey thank you!

I appreciate your comment on my "little guys" haha. I have quite a few different games for the future that I am going to showcase these guys in. You might say they will be my trademark or signature.

I also appreciate you taking the time to explain the photo thing to me. It almost seems easier (for me at least) to just post a couple of times if i have more than one picture.

I will test that with a random picture really quick...

if it works... this is my favorite car model...

I have done it!!! success! thank you!

...alright back to the grindstone...

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.
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Posted: 20th Sep 2010 05:12 Edited at: 20th Sep 2010 05:59
Just wanted to keep you guys posted on the gui systems progress.
here is a checklist that i have come up with. It may or may not be complete but i will update it as i go.






metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.
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Posted: 16th Oct 2010 08:24
Nice job! I love the Knight Guy!
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Posted: 21st Oct 2010 23:40 Edited at: 22nd Oct 2010 05:59
@ Commico Inc - Thank You!!!

I think I am done with the GUI system that I've been working on for a month+

It isn't some grand system with all the bells and whistles, but it will do what I need it to and then some.
If I should ever need more out of it, then I will update/upgrade it, but until then I am content with it.

Keep in mind that it has not been put through rigorous testing, so it may have a bug here or there.

I must confess, it has been absolute "H" "E" "double hockey sticks" to get as far as I have with it. I will edit this post when I have consolidated all of the functions into a single file, then... I will post the source here for all to scrutinize. If you wind up using all or part of this in a game, please credit me(not that I feel it is of a creditable quality).

If for whatever reason, there seems to be a core piece of functionality missing that I overlooked, please let me know. If you find any bugs, or anything worth mentioning, let me know that too. I know I said that I am content with this, but as with anything I do/create, I want it to be solid, functional, of quality, and bug free. So if there are changes you would like me to make, let me know, and I will determine whether or not they are worth making.... and it is going to be open source so you could also just make changes yourself.... If you do make changes to the functionality of this as a whole ... maybe you could re-upload your changes for all to benefit from.

Here it is...

If enough people want it, I will include a help file.
What do you think???

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.


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Posted: 22nd Oct 2010 02:09
cool MASTER i'll D/L and try it this weekend.

Quote: " and it is going to be open source so you could also just make changes yourself.... "

SWEET DUDE!!!!!!!! thanks a bunch.

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2010 03:42
Hello seppgirty, I am glad you are interested. I think that I may just go ahead and make something of an editor for this similar to the Rainbow Editor of BlueGUI if you are familiar. I am currently working on a sample to post, and I realized that it is actually quite difficult to calculate the positioning of these gadgets by hand. I feel that it may be worth my while to hard code the "GUI Editor" then make GUI systems with it, rather than hard coding every thing I ever use this on.

Oh and Ill go ahead and post a screen shot of the example I am making at the moment...

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.


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Posted: 22nd Oct 2010 06:07 Edited at: 22nd Oct 2010 17:25
I just updated the link 2 posts ago to include the GUI stuff along with an example

As dumb and obvious as it is, I somehow managed to forget about adding menu capabilities (like the one in every application that says stuff like - file - edit - view - help)

So I have decided to first and foremost add menu functionality and I will then do 1 of 2 things; 1)upload it as an expansion - 2)integrate it and upload it as an update to the original file....
I am leaning towards #2 for ease of use, and I know that personally I would rather INCLUDE 1 add-on file than 2 so that said...Odds are I will update this file and re-upload it when finished.
...and as you can see, I am not the quickest of all programmers(A guy has to make a living). So don't hold your breath but rest assured that I am on it....

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.
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Posted: 23rd Oct 2010 07:47
take your time and get it the way you want it MOP. there is no time limit here

also, i'm working on a model of a dragon (it has a cartoon look to it and may fit your style)in my free time. and i was going to see if you wanted to use it for your game. i'll post a screen shot when i get the time.

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2010 07:57
ok please do. I cannot make any guarantee as to my usage of such a model, but I am willing to consider anything. ...and thank you for relaxing me a little on the "hurry up" mentality that I have forced upon myself.

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.
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Posted: 15th Nov 2010 07:20
U got to hurry up dude,the world ends in 2 years! Jk, hows Dev going?
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Posted: 17th Nov 2010 11:04
development is extremely slow actually. Right now, my career is taking off a little bit so I am not extremely involved in this. I pretty much add a few lines here and there while I drink coffee in the morning(all I have time for).
Have you been using the current functions at all? if so, how are they working for you?

metal is not music but a way of life...all hail to the reigning king METALLICA!!! [EDIT] ...well... up until "Load" came out.

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