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Program Announcements / PUSH some of Josh's crates around!

Rich Dersheimer
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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 04:53 Edited at: 7th Sep 2010 04:54
Inspired by Josh Mooney's "100 crates in 10 days", PUSH is a quick and easy game of shoving boxes around the transfer department of GPS - Galactic Parcel Service.

It was fun to make, and hopefully will give a few laughs.



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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 04:58
Downloading now...anticipation!

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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 05:16
Lots of chuckles here . The Computer is your friend!

Latest progress: Fog of War implemented; frustrated by pathfinding >.>
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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 05:22
Haha, great stuff!
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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 10:27
Was a fun game. Took a few minutes to get used to the controls and memorize the cameras, but after that it was smooth sailing. Wish there was something to do with the money.

If you were willing, I'd say make this netbook playable and enter it into the AppUp competition. People love simple games they can pick up and play right away. I think your game fits.

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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 15:30
I'll second that.
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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 15:55 Edited at: 7th Sep 2010 15:57
Fun game, looks nice and the music is enjoyable listening. If I can divulge some crits:

The camera switching system. It's not doing much for gameplay, is a bit confusing and clumsy. Might be worth experimenting with a slightly raised viewpoint, a higher fov to encompass more of the room, and/or giving the camera a small range of turning (poor wording I know >_> ) if looking to discard the switching. Alternatively, address that the manual switching feels to be a bit of a workaround for lack of some better automated system, and dress the view up like a security camera, as though being watched by GPS security guys. Or, a combination, or if not, maybe an option to toggle camera behaviour.

(also, camera 2's hud icon is a black square)

If you hold up and down together on the main menu the select sound will play repeatedly until released

Players can push all crates together in a row against a wall, making them unmoveable and the game effectively unplayable until the end of shift (ok, sort of a moot point since it's a bit of a silly thing to do anyway), but maybe some sort of method of recovery might be useful for such situations as having as few as two blocks together by the wall. Being able to pull crates (very slowly, of course, so it's not abused some way or something) might be a nice addition, or simply plucking crates out of the game if they've been stuck for a period of time, or add the ability to push a row of crates (again, slow depending on the number of crates).

Negative money shows up with an "0" instead of a "-"

Also the money thing feels a bit inconsequential. Maybe a scoreboard or something, as when the game starts getting familiar after a few plays there's little goal to push for.

Tiny complaint this, but the big white sheen on the GPS poster doesn't look too good.

Also an obligatory feature request, maybe different kinds of crates? Fragile, explosive, etc.?

Anyway, good game, I'll leave it be now
Rich Dersheimer
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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 16:16 Edited at: 7th Sep 2010 16:24
@MonoCoder - wow, great response!

About the cameras - I had given some thought to having the camera view rotate from camera to camera, with no user control, but this proved extremely disorienting. An automated system, with the camera switching to the best view, maybe tracking which quadrant the robot is in... that would be very cool. I'll try that in the update. Also... there is a cheat, you can set the camera to overhead view by pressing CTRL and the 5 key.

Camera 2 sign - I have no idea what happened there, I'm using Smart Packer Pro, and it normally does a good job of packing in and unpacking the media. It's acting a little wonky on me right now, I'll have to play with it and see what the problem is.

Stranding crates - That's okay with me, players should learn not to do that! But... maybe a crate can de-spawn after 30 seconds.

Negative money - GPS is not allowed to take money from its employees, nope, no way.

Money - a scoreboard would be cool too. Maybe getting promoted to assistant manager, if you do a good job pushing.

GPS poster - it's supposed to be garish, but I could tone it down a bit.

Feature request - YES! I wanted to use ALL of Josh's excellent crates, but I was impatient to get it done. I'll revisit how many and what kinds I can get in there. Gotta follow the color scheme though.

Again, thanks for the crits and suggestions!

EDIT - also, if anyone has any suggestions for more phrases in the scrolling LED sign - please post them! I was racking my brain, but the funny was just not there.

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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 16:32
I found one serious bug - if you stand on the same tile as a crate as it's spawning, collision never works for that crate. You and other crates can go right through it.

Latest progress: Fog of War implemented; frustrated by pathfinding >.>
Rich Dersheimer
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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 19:47
Ack, BMacZero! Curses! I thought I had squashed that bug, but I guess not. Back to the editor!

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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 20:38
Rich when you get the chance send me an email. (joshlmooney(at)

Dr Tank
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Posted: 8th Sep 2010 02:43
This is nice. I got £269 points. I found the camera switching kind of confusing and a little pointless. Otherwise the presentation is ace. Graphics, music, sound effects etc.
Sixty Squares
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Posted: 9th Sep 2010 01:02
Great job! I like the sound the boxes make when they appear, and the graphics are great. The only thing for me was controlling the robot. I found it a little hard to do with all of the different camera angles, but maybe that's just me. Perhaps a third-person camera follow option would help?

Nice job though

Guns, cinematics, stealth, items and more!
Rich Dersheimer
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Posted: 9th Sep 2010 03:16
Thanks Sixty! I appreciate the comments.

Quote: "Perhaps a third-person camera follow option would help?

I'm going to try that, but my fear is that it will make the game too easy. I want a little tension and panic to keep the pace fast. If you try the overhead camera (ctrl-5) you'll see how it becomes very easy.

But yeah, maybe 3 options:

1. Camera as it is now.

2. Camera that switches automatically as the robot moves around.

3. Camera that stays in 3rd person over-the-shoulder view.

And maybe a 4th option, the camera randomly switches around. Now THAT would be frustrating!

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