Ok, this is becoming a serious issue for me.
Over the past few days in my new application things have been going a little weird.
It started when the variable i used to create a selection box started to grow, randomly just after it had previously worked with no changes. I didnt look at the code much i just disabled it cos it wasnt needed.
Then whenever i assigned a variable for AI[0].Run = true; it would randomly assign Units[0].Type = Block, and if it was false it would assign it to Line. After spending a few hours ensuring that these variables were never compared or even next to eachother i gave up and made it so you currently cant make your guy run.
A few more odd little ones happened but today it started with the camera, it would randomly increase the struct variable Cam.AZ (angle Z) by 1 constantly whenever this command was run: dbRotateCamera(Cam.AX,Cam.AY,Cam.AZ);
But because you shouldnt be able to rotate the camera on the Z axis i disabled it, so itll always be 0.
But now it is effecting the variable for the X angle which has been unchanged since i made the app but it again only has problems with dbrotatecamera is run, and that aswell increase itself by 1 completely randomly and in the code there is absolutely nothing telling it to do so.
(i even tried renaming the structs and variables but the problems would persist).
Does anyone know why or how this is happening because it is frustrating because it makes no sense how these variables are reassigning themselves.
So i know it isnt corrupted ram or something i will include the exe for the game if anyone minds running it to see if theres errors on their side.
Smoke me a kipper, ill be back for breakfast.