Hi im making a medival game were you are suposed to use the mouse to swing a sword. so if you move the mouse from the left to right the sword shuld swing like that.
I have made this code were the swors shuld point towards the mouse but when i turn the camera the sword dosn't turn and on the y/z axis the sword goes up when the mouse goes down. and on the x axis the sword goes way to fast and dosen't point towards the mouse.
pick screen mousex(),mousey(),10
msx#=get pick vector x()
msy#=get pick vector y()
msz#=get pick vector z()
Position object weapon,camera position x(),camera position y()-5,camera position z()
rotate object weapon,camera angle x(),camera angle y(),camera angle z()
move object weapon,5
point object weapon,msx#,msy#,msz#
Srry about my english im from sweeden